Legal Rogue Trading - $100 into $100,000 in 1 month


Junior member
I mean seriously, some of the dribble that goes to my spam folder.
I was so bored I had to read it out, but It gave me a much needed laugh for the evening.
This guy is claiming to know 100% without fail when a stock will rise sharply guranteeing himself and onlookers who sign up 74%+ profit on each trade, so over a month he can turn 100 into 100,000. Apparently knows some rogue traders who verbally give out information which he uses to his advantage to trade upon, and apparently the best bit of course, he is going to sell this crazy money making scheme that could earn millions even billions for £2000.

Honestly, who the hell signs up for this kind of stuff?

Give it a read, even if it's just to give yourself a laugh.

Edit: I just did a google search for the image he uses at the top of the page showing some apparent rogue traders discussing news articles before they are released, well turns out that image is actually from something not even related to trading haha, the power of google image search.
Its been illegal in most strong jurisdictions for years. But on its own, without pump & dump schemes, or firms trading against their own clients, its hard to see the damage it allegedly causes.

Still, its illegal in the UK and it doesn't matter a jot how the trader obtained the non-public information.
This is so badly made, it's not even funny, but you never know, a sucker is born every minute in this business...