Leewin Communications

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Junior member
Has anyone heard of Mr. Eric Waterhouse trading as 'leewin communictions' (www.leewin.com) who provides bespoke computers, live data feeds etc for new traders.

Your comments or experiences please.

yes Eric set me up with a sat link on quotespeed & also supplied me with some hardware, he does the lot for u if u want, I was referred to him by Martin Cole.

he also supplies other feeds I believe, & provides after service & acts as an agent for the suppliers, he is a nice & helpful guy.

u can PM if u want. will be glad ti give u any info I can


Why did you need a Sat link at all ? I would have thought broadband would have been just as good and cheaper ?


Don't forget that not everyone has broadband. Living out in the country means satellite maybe your only option!

They're not too expensive - I got mine direct from Tenfore.

yes u r right in a way, but the method I was taught initially benefited from a sat link as I learnt to read vol & sometimes it was necessary to manipulate this, something u couldn't do with Internet.

the other benefit is it doesn't put pressure on your Internet link to brokers etc. my methods have changed somewhat now & I have been trialling an Internet feed from another supplier via internet, seems pretty good & quite a bit cheaper.

I would recommend anybody to check many sources on this, as I think there r so many different trading styles & u have to find the right package to meet your needs. I just went with the one that I learnt on without looking around..........something I just tend to do.

Eric is ok & will just help u with anything u require, if u need it

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I have used Eric's services for the last five years. He has supplied all my datafeeds and and computers in that time. I have found him to be a great guy, always more than willing to help.

there are many vendors for Tenfore and BIS but his understanding of the feeds is second to none. He has always been there to help with problems in that time.

The only reason I asked Jay is because we both live in Lincoln where broadband is generally available.

Morning chaps,

Back to the original thread........any comments or experiences on supply of hardware, software, support etc.

the only cost really of sat over Internet is the setup, which isn't a lot, the benefits I am finding sat has over Internet is a bit more manipulation of data & better storage of historic data, & less pressure on your Internet link.

but it all depends on our own personal needs, u can get free Internet trials if u do get broadband & then u can c if this is ok for your trading style.

if u dont get broadband then of course sat is your only option, it wont cost the earth & u wont be disappointed


Hello Del

Used Eric many times for hardware.The computers were well priced and have been very reliable, had a problem with a CD rewriter once, he came around and replaced it next day.

His support is the reason i have stayed with him, most helpful every time.Hope this helps.

Eric has good technical knowledge, can pretty much supply anything u want, is helpful & altogether pretty good as 1 point of contact.

he has good software knowledge & is always at the end of a phone, if he is on site u can leave a message & he will get back to u.

I bought a graphics card through him which developed a fault & it is no 'hassle' getting this sorted. the service all in all is good & quite personal.

hope this helps


I am very happy to recommend Eric. He installed my satellite feed for Tenfore. He was very responsive to the original request to install it and has been likewise when I have requested additional market data.

Hope this helps.
