Learn Forex / Gen3 AutoTrade / Free Webinar


Junior member
Topic this week:
The Benefits of Gen3 AutoTrading
This Thursday October 1 @ 1pm ET

**FREE Webinar**
Seats still available - Newbies/Experts welcome

Join Chris Wilt, AutoTrading Specialist and Broker, for a 30-minute tutorial that will introduce you to the benefits of AutoTrading.

Embark on a tour of BulldogFX & C2! Learn how these 2 companies work together to provide outstanding technology and the largest selection of AutoTrading systems available.

Never before have small investors been able to tap into exotic financial products so easily!

Click here to register for this topic and others:
BulldogFX - Learning Workshop
A BulldogFX Webinar - AutoTrading 101 - Oct 15

Topic this week:
FOREX AutoTrading 101
This Thursday, Oct 15 @1pm ET

**FREE Webinar by BulldogFX.com**
Seats still available - Newbies/Experts welcome

Join Chris Wilt, AutoTrading Specialist and Broker, for a 30-minute presentation that will breakdown the advantages and techniques of AutoTrading.

During this presentation, learn the ABC's of:
- BulldogFX & C2
- Setting AutoTrading permissions
- Researching Forex systems

At the end of this special webinar, you'll know why Forex traders around the world are making the switch to AutoTrading.

Live Q&A after presentation!

Click here to view register for this topic and more:
BulldogFX - Learning Workshop
Topic this week:
How to Start AutoTrading
This Thursday October 29 @ 1pm ET

**FREE Webinar**
Seats still available - Newbies/Experts welcome

Join Chris Wilt, AutoTrading Specialist and Broker, for a 30-minute presentation that will demonstrate how to calculate AutoTrading permissions that fit your trading style at C2!

This informative webinar that will take you beyond dollar signs and equity curves to insider data. We will also look at pips vs. dollars, realized vs. unrealized drawdowns, and much more!

Click here to register for this topic and others:
BulldogFX - Learning Workshop