Leading Traders Speak 4 Earthquake Victims


Active member

The Trading Symposium is raising money for earthquake victims around the world following the devastating events in Christchurch (NZ) and Japan. Please give generously today as your money is needed desperately by those affected. Thereafter check back to the website regularly for further updates.

Details for Participants
•Once you have made a donation, you must check back to the site regularly for the list of speaking engagements and details of how to join the online events.
•All events will be held online via webinar on differing dates and at times to suit the speakers and time zones involved.
•All money goes directly to charity and therefore your contact details are NOT held by the Trading Symposium and you will not be contacted by them with any event details. You must check back to the site regularly.
•The Trading Symposium for earthquake victims is possible only because of the goodwill of the sponsors and organisers involved. Attendance at events and the subsequent donations required is also based on your own goodwill.
•With money going directly to charity we cannot ensure that you donate before attending an event, we do however ask that you give very generously for those in the world who require it right now.
•You can help out hugely by passing the details of this event on to your favourite traders / investors worldwide who you think would be good for the speaking agenda as well as your brokers and trading platforms for sponsorship. The more support we have from them, the more money we can raise. Please do whatever you can to help and we thank you in advance for your support.
