Ladder trading system using 3D to display real time trade volume?

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Junior member
I am new to trading although not new to the markets. I am just starting to trade liquid bond futures markets.

Has anyone come across any order entry system that displays real time trade volume as it happens in 3d. On-line time and sales effectively, but displayed using colours and shapes to display clip sizes of the trade, buyers vs sellers. When a 200 lot clip is traded on the offer it shows how many clips and lots make up the other side of the trade. Also showing the order book in shapes and colours.

Spread trades are traded by clicking on implied volume boxes that appear for a short time, in a fast market if you manage to click the box you executed the spread at a relative extreme level.

Apart from the Market Profile system that you dont actually trade with, this system seems to be unavailable/unheard of in the market. Has anyone used it or heard about something similar. If so what is the real advantage?

Seems that the use of colours and shapes on trading systems is increasing steadily as I remember the generation of trading systems from 10 years ago with keyboard command line trade entry.

Does anyone have feedback on these visualisation type systems and their usefulness?
[serious response]

1) get TT Pro
3) Get SQL 2008
4) Learn how to make the three work together

Whatever you think should make sense, doesn't at the end of the day. Volume lifting the offer doesn't necessarily mean higher prices (at least in term of derivatives). IMO the only value of granular information is to identify when statistically significant events are happening... it is up to you to interpret it, devise the trade, and get it off.
Thanks for the reply Mr Gecko

Do you think that granular information would better highlight and present statistical anomalies if displayed graphically?
How you choose to display the information is up to you - it is the information that drives the trade decisions. Stastical anomolies are stastical anomolies, whether you notice them or not. But of course displaying the informaton in 3D will probably help you interpret it better / quicker.

p.s. I think... ICAP? Tullet? I dunno, but one of the big IDB's has a Kobra sheet you can get on reuters that represents the size in the orderbook in a 3D bar chart. I state now that I have absolutely no idea as to the cost or the utility of this information.

p.p.s. seriously dude, get the data yourself and play with it.