Kristof's Journal


Junior member
Hi i'm Kristof and i love browsing the tradingforums to gather some insight an knowledge about trading... and sharing it also ofcourse.

Love to share some trades with all of you and get some comments in the proces.

ps. I'm a belgian trader so bare with me on the english grammar. :whistling

The first one is $POT

Are Basic Materials coming into resistance? $POT

The past few weeks we saw a massive rally in the stock markets; also the basic materials did make a strong push. On the short term, this chart is overbought.

I want to go over the daily $POT chart we are short term overbought on the daily chart. The resistance will be between $44.00 and $44.80.

I will look to get a small short position on a pierce of the $44 level, the stop-out on this trade will be any close above the $47.00.
On a pullback look for the $42.15 as first support.


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GOOGLE is on fire. $GOOG

What a rally we get in Google. Now the stock is at new all time highs just like the market. Now where will we see a pullback in this stock? That’s the hard part to pick up a shorting position at new ultime highs!

I am looking for the $900 level to pickup a short position in the stock. On a play like this you want to keep a 25 dollar stop. Now let’s see if google can reach the magical $900 the coming days!


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Can the GOLD price go higher the coming days? $GLD

A few weeks ago we saw a significant decline in gold. Now the daily chart is starting to look good for another leg higher. The price is still above the 20 moving average this will support the $GLD, and we can see some further upside in the commodity.

I am looking for a small pullback into the $GLD today to pick up a long position. The bullish pattern will fail once we have a close below the 20 moving average.

Where will I take some profits on the stock? I will take some profits at $143.95 this a gap fill from a few weeks ago, and the 2nd level will be the 50 moving average.


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QE or no QE? Who cares, Read The Charts?$AAPL, $SPY, $GS

Today we got a pretty slow trading day on Wall Street! There are some rumors out there that the FED will end there QE program later this year! Who Cares? I am using charts to help me through these financial markets

Since last week, we saw a pretty light volume float in this market. So as day trader I am only taking the best moments to trade, and that’s the first to hours of the trading day.

Let’s go over some scalping levels:

$AAPL: resistance: $460.00, $461.51, gap fill 463.66
Support: $449.00, $445.60, $441.86, $439.41
$SPY: Resistance: $164.00, $164.50 and $165.00
Support: $162.50, $162.00 $161.70

$GS Resistance: $151.00, $151.50
Support: $147.00, $146.00, 145.00
Today I got a busy trading day with lot’s of action! On the open, I bought some Goldman Sachs the 60 and daily pattern where both bullish and also the 10 min chart was holding above the 200 and 50 moving average. After I played $GS for a dollar I shorted the stock at a 153.12 I covered it at 152.75. I love days as this!

Later today I went long on $AAPl on the pierce of $445 my entry was $444.25 this was a big flush on apple, so I decided to take some shares on a pierce of the $445.
The last trade I played was $SYNC it was a small cap that catches some news with $GOOGLE, so I jumped in on the long side and grabbed 10 cents on a $3 stock.

I wish you all a safe trading day tomorrow! Let's print some money!

Kristof De Block
Why is the VXX not falling in this bullish Market?

This week we are seeing a very Bullish stock market. Lead by greed and people who are buying every dip! Now the funny thing is why are people buying stocks when they are at all time heights? Look at google today we hit $920! Will it continue to 1000? Was this the top on Google?

Now let's take a look at the vxx. This chart is going sideways, and the markets are screaming higher! For me, this is a sign that institutions are buying some insurance. They know that we can see a slight correction in the coming weeks! Today I bought some VXX with a stop on close below $16.50.

When the stock market takes a dive the $VXX will fly higher..
First goal will be the pierce of the 20 dollar.
I am looking at 2 swing short opportunities for this week the first one will be the Russel on a pierce of 1000. I will short this one with the IWM on a pierce of $100. Stop on this play will be $102.50. First goal will be a pullback to the 20 moving average.
The 2nd trade will be a short on the FXE. If we a have a close below the head and shoulder neckline. The stop loss on this trade will be any close above the neckline. First goal will be $123.70.
The 3th play will be a long trade on $MCP. The pattern is a sweet inside bar pattern above the 20 and 50 moving average. Stop loss on this trade will be any close below the 50 moving average $5.74. The first goal will be the 200 moving average.
Today was a slow trading day! I entered my$IWM swing short and played $VMW as a day trade. Tomorrow we can see some big action! I am also holding $FXY long and $VXX long
Today we finally saw some action in this silly market! Grinding higher for the last weeks, every day we saw new heights and today the gates went open. I was short on the $SPY on the pierce at 169.00. In 10 minutes I grabbed 1$ profit on the $SPY, now that is day trading! Know your levels and just trade them.

Let’s go over to one off the strongest stocks $JPM. The daily chart is extended from his 20ma. People are buying this stock up, therefore we have 8 days of upside in $JPM. Is it overbought? Hell yeah!

How will I play $JPM on the short side? As of now we can see a topping tail on the daily so it will all depends on how it will close at 16.00H. If we close below 53.72, we have a topping tail. I will take a ½ position at the close, and if we see a retrace tomorrow I will take my finale position.

Where will the stop out be on this trade? Any close above the topping tail high will be a stop out. First target from this trade will be 51.00 and then the 50 moving average.

Weekly market outlook: How long will the FED control this market?

Last week we saw a powerful reversal on Wednesday, also last week the Japanese market sold off extremely sharp. Today we got a holiday in the US. Where will this market go this week? I see some more downside in these overbought markets! Everyone is so bullish out there and markets can’t come down! Yeah right once the panic selling will kick in, we can see another flash crash!

Normally we will see a holiday hangover type day where the markets will go sideways. The Nikkei was down again -3%. Will this puts some pressure on the US markets?

The daily SPY is still at support, it’s just trading above the 20 moving average. But once we can close below this small support area, we can see a quick flush to the 50 daily moving average. This will be the first significant support on the markets!

Keep your eyes on the financial mastodons like JP Morgan ($JPM)! Wednesday we got a topping tail on the daily $JPM chart. This tells us that we can see some more selling in the financials this week. First support level on JP Morgan will be the $51.00 area.

Safe trading

Kristof De Block