Kools tools for time

i've just joined there actually- looks like i have a busy week or two ahead of me now reading !
i suggest starting with the a-b-c article under trading strategies forum by a good friend VOwater! he does this and explains how on thet thread and its of course the same thing as my price proj. but he explains it so its not so eclectic as i do!
pt emini...yes those are extensions off the bottom...the technique your employing there is kools price projection, which is looking for the 261.8, which should be a natural sell area. Kools projections dont look for those minor areas that put up res. on the way to the ultimate number 261.8...more in a bit
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all courtsey of mypivots.com (es thread) where we all hang out. By the way, the black nq charts are from P.T.emini and it turns out they are 1000 volumne based.. not even based on fixed time intervals like my 1 min charts or everybody elses 610 tick charts! And yet cycles and price proj. works! I find that facinating!
You might also find the banter on page 43 of the ES 12-05-08 interesting as p.t. asks a very interesting question that might take this theory of mine to a whole new level.
There are so many different cycle combinations on any one chart it is getting a little confusing! There's a whole other level of information in there my head is trying to get around. I spotted several cycles on the above chart that worked out.
I agree 100%, girl! Thats why i suggest 'keep it simple'. In real time trading i spend most of my day on the 1 min chart because im just a scalper by nature and am only after a few handles at a time . i'll look at the 15 min chart for the 'larger picture' and in fact i posted about the 872.50-877 resistance zone for the es back on wed nite! You might notice it served as ample resistance at least 3 times thur and fri. Look ,my point is ,that if an average joe like me can do this,think of the possibilities for someone really skilled and intelligent. Again, my point is the tools for price and the cycles work. Just keep it simple and play around with whatever chart you use for trading ,in whatever market. I rarely look ahead too far because as a scalper i dont have to! But i did post some 'longer term views' at mypivots.com, trading strategies forum cause everyone bugs me to so much. Good trading, girl!
hi koolblue, i've read a trading methodology that you posted on another forum, and it really intrigued me--along the lines of price projecting with cusp-ing patterns

Even if I interpreted it wrongly, I've practiced trading with this style for only one day now, and it's working really well--despite my overtrading in the one day test.

BTW in my opinion tinypic.com is a much better image uploading site, in the first few posts your images have been removed 🙁