Knowing who goes where, when...


Just a simple question, would any of you find a service helpful that keeps you up to date where politicians are traveling to in the world and what for?

I've searched various places for a service like this and can't find anything specifically, as it can be helpful knowing whats been spoken about and any "motives" for certain politicians heading to foreign places. Therefore I'm thinking of lauching a service like this.

Any thoughts or takers? Also if you know of someone that does this already, please let me know.

Kind regards
I can see problems with this form of service..for example ..John Prescott in his secretaries office...David Blunkett steps out for a word with the er Nanny....I mean it's going to need some serious filtering if I am going to keep my food down.
RFID chips will solve it all for all of us and then when you finally **** off the wrong people a simple press of a button will ensure the orbital platform dials in and dispatches you back to the ether.
I think politicians keep these things private as do a lot of people for security reasons. It avoids unhelpful assasination or kidnap attempts. If there is a subscription service that provides this their subscriper list would be most interesting to the men in black.
haha yes, I've sent out little boxes with satellite tags to each politician, the response has been great 😉

No, the information is available in the open domain and the way it would work is we'd gather all of it from the various news sources that report on their travels and display it in either a "news alert" or graphical format, like on an interactive world map. It would basically be a central point of all this data for geopolitical/fundamental traders to use and keep abreast of travels and talking topics, agendas, agreements etc. It would only be (atleast for now) of international travels and not state to state or province to province as that would just be information overload at such a start. There will be filters in place.

We'll be starting on the project soon and I'll let you know when it's up to demo then. It was meant to be an internal system for our own research but I thought it would be of interest to others and it seems so.

Kind regards
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chump said:
I can see problems with this form of service..for example ..John Prescott in his secretaries office...David Blunkett steps out for a word with the er Nanny....I mean it's going to need some serious filtering if I am going to keep my food down.

😆 😆
that reminds me of the scene in Alien when the two "pingers" of he alien and one of the crew eventually merge as the creature catches its prey.
Imagine Prescotts pinger overwhelming his secretarys! 😱
Just a simple question, would any of you find a service helpful that keeps you up to date where politicians are traveling to in the world and what for?

I've searched various places for a service like this and can't find anything specifically, as it can be helpful knowing whats been spoken about and any "motives" for certain politicians heading to foreign places. Therefore I'm thinking of lauching a service like this.

Any thoughts or takers? Also if you know of someone that does this already, please let me know.

Kind regards

Hi inggscap

got to say, this is one of the most bizarre ideas I've ever heard of!😕 🙄 :cheesy:
Just a quick up date, still working on this system, it's manual at the moment so open to anyone that knows how to program flash or java to automate the system. Once it looks more presentable I'll post it here for all of your comments.
Just a quick up date, still working on this system, it's manual at the moment so open to anyone that knows how to program flash or java to automate the system. Once it looks more presentable I'll post it here for all of your comments.
Intruiging idea - it could be fascinating to watch the movements and speculate on the motives and outcomes. Is it going to be a "Web 2.0", citizen's media type thing where anyone can input details and your system does snazzy graphical analysis? Could be a winner. It could work out their carbon footprints too 😎
Thanks blackcab. Didn't think of the carbon footprint angle there, we'd have to leave that as an add on later though, but nice thought. Time is pretty thin here though.
As for your question, yes it has a graphical interface of the world map and when you roll your mouse over a country it comes up with who's going and coming and what for if (atleast on their official agenda status). As for if anyone can input details... it will have a forum/blog area that people can add details too regarding the political movements and ideas but on the actual graphic, no not yet. The data though comes from reliable media sources so it's all the official data.
Just a simple question, would any of you find a service helpful that keeps you up to date where politicians are traveling to in the world and what for?

I've searched various places for a service like this and can't find anything specifically, as it can be helpful knowing whats been spoken about and any "motives" for certain politicians heading to foreign places. Therefore I'm thinking of lauching a service like this.

Any thoughts or takers? Also if you know of someone that does this already, please let me know.
Check this out (maybe it's yours?):
Hey blackcab, thanks for the link.

No it's not mine but I'm glad to see someone did one very similar, was beginning to wonder why no one had created one before. I'll do a check and see how current/how many delegates it displays.

Thanks for that blackcab, much appreciated. Very interesting site that as well, overall. Nice find!
Very nice but they seem to make it vague in areas. Mine will have a link to where they going etc. so if you want to find out more info you can, of course if it is possible... a meeting in Iraq etc. will be abit hard to get a website address and more details for 😉