KEMA - Kool EMA for eSignal


Well-known member
attached image illustrates a study i've just written for esignal.

It is an exponential moving average which changes colour if the slope is positive or negative.

You can change the EMA period as required from within the chart.

I've found it very useful on a 30 min chart on the currencies. I'll be tidying it up shortly and if there is any interest I will post the study.


  • kemasml.gif
    33.2 KB · Views: 689
Been interested in this for a while - is it the same as Adaptive Moving Average ??
Tried downloading the Zip but I don't have a program to read a file extension of 'efs' - is it a special program ?.

have not tried to do it for Sierra.

This was one of the reasons for the move to Esignal - I knew I could do things like this.

Have you tried the Sierra forums on teh Sierra site?

It can be done for the AMA. It was seeing something similar for a Kaufmann AMA which triggered me to do this.

The .efs file is a study file for Esignal. If you don't use Esignal then it will not be much use to you.
Yes, good one. But can't alter colours, mine stay green for up and muddy brown for down.😕

Would it be possible to post the calc/algorithm you used prior to coding esignal? I'd like to try the calc in Excel.
A couple of small modifications.

The colour of the lines are now user selectable.

Rather than using the close of each period it now uses the (high+low+close)/3.

This helps to reduce noise and so reduces the number of false slope changes.

The calcualtions used are pretty much self explanatory when you view the script. If you don't have Esignal you can view the efs file in a text editor (Notepad) to see the workings.

Hope this helps. Additional comment/critcism welcomed.

