These are not in order of rank, but are the top 3 priorities as I see it at the moment.
Fitness - I mean this both mentally and physically. Each has its own benefits but one also promotes the other. Physical exercise will obviously have it's wonderful effects; healthy blood and hormone levels, healthier body composition (fat:muscle mass) as well as organ health and de-stressing. As you know, de-stressing not only has physical effects, but also mental. Then looking at it from a mental health or mental exercise point of view, that obviously has it's noticeable effects including mindfulness and perceived quality of life and then loops back around to physical benefits again!
Knowledge - This is self explanatory (the more knowledge about trading I have, the more potential I have). I predominantly mean trading knowledge but it's not limited to it as the understanding of somethings - although they may not present obvious transferrable benefits - can present unique and creative opportunities in other non-traditionally related areas. Schemata complexity, essentially.
Organisation - This essentially relates to the efficacy of what I mentioned above, and much more. The more organised I am, the finer I can tune and the more accurate and prepared I am. Good organisational skills can help me train my body and mind more and to do it smarter. This can also be said for my trading. Which begs the question...why if I am already aware of this, why am I not already implementing it? I have been increasing my understanding of basics in trading, including terms and phrases...tool also and whatnot but I need to step it up. By establishing a few avenues/procedures of carrying out my trading, be it research or execution/management of trades it takes a load off my working memory capacity, which is already very limited. So in a cognitive sense, it could likely make things easier, or at least in a sense of it being tidier. By establishing said avenues/procedures should, in theory, have a positive impact on my trade outcomes, or at the very least will make it easier for me to identify issues and rectify them. Being organised will almost definitely help psychologically. Another aspect of being organised that I should probably work on is getting up earlier. I stay up late and get up late. I am strongly considering getting up far earlier...getting on an hour before the open of the London session
Note: The longer I am trading, the easier it is to see the wood from the trees. When I first started I was overwhelmed when listening to other traders talking. Simple terms like hitting resistance, divergence, confluence etc would require a lot of cognitive processing (naturally enough as it was all new to me). But now after some time being exposed to all this stuff, I now instantly understand certain things, therefore requiring far less cognitive processing that I can now allocate to other things. After more time I will understand those better, requiring less cognitive processing, freeing up capacity for new aspects.