

Experienced member
How refreshing to see a good footballing side such as Croatia come to Wembley and play football as it should be played.

How equally refreshing to see the bunch of nancy boys who call themselves England get their just desserts.

Justice was served tonight and I for one am glad that we do not now have to listen to the empty boasts of nancy boys on how they are going to win the European Championships.

Bring back the Rugby please.
I hope a much better manager takes the job. I think someone like Jose Mourinho would be very good.
I hope a much better manager takes the job. I think someone like Jose Mourinho would be very good.

I think the England manager should be Englishman. No Scotts, Irish or Welsh either.

Stuart Pearce has my vote.

Give the man a chance.

Can't get much worse than one man up front McClaren... :devilish:
All the Home Nations ( England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ) truly lived up to their name as they will all be staying HOME during the European Championships.

I don't really think it matters who takes over the reins for England - Mourinho, O'Neill, God, Jesus or whoever - the players are nowhere near good enough to cut it against any half -decent international side.

A general deficiency in true quality appears to exist and whereas we once arguably had the best goalkeepers in the world, we now unarguably have the worst.
I think the England manager should be Englishman. No Scotts, Irish or Welsh either.

Stuart Pearce has my vote.

Give the man a chance.

Can't get much worse than one man up front McClaren... :devilish:

SP :eek:

Martin O'Neill :idea:
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The trouble with Stuart Pearce is that although he is English, he is so thick that he struggles with the language.

Arsene Wenger might be a good idea...he would do his level best to bring in some French players.
All the Home Nations ( England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ) truly lived up to their name as they will all be staying HOME during the European Championships.

I don't really think it matters who takes over the reins for England - Mourinho, O'Neill, God, Jesus or whoever - the players are nowhere near good enough to cut it against any half -decent international side.

A general deficiency in true quality appears to exist and whereas we once arguably had the best goalkeepers in the world, we now unarguably have the worst.

I was there. It was painful. The players are world class for their severlely inflated ego's and paypackets and nothing else.

Mourinho is a winner and that's what we desperately need.
I doubt if Mourinho wants or needs the severe amount of hassle that goes with managing and coaching a bunch of overpaid incompetents.
I was there. It was painful. The players are world class for their severlely inflated ego's and paypackets and nothing else.

I can't imagine what it must have been like to be there. I only heard it on the live radio broadcast (BBC Radio London) and it was painful enough just listening.
They think its all over, and they have'nt even started playing yet

Beck's/ Crouchy pulled it round , nice goal..... Now Engerland had bloody deckchairs out watching croatia with the ball? Croatia had all the time in the world to steady themselves,line up for their play.

Gawd dear,even my gran strapped her boots on saying she could knock in a few passed that keeper, what a joker,not seen anything like that since watching Royal It's A knockout. May as well had Mr Blobby in goal.

As for the next manager, what about that German bloke KUNTZ....

Good game, good game.......


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When you are faced with........

1) The worst ever England team
2) A team beyond salvaging
3) A team which makes you feel that the whole idea of national football should be scrapped,

you have to throw caution to the wind and go for broke.

The only realistic choice for England manager under this scenario is...

Dame Edna Everage
As Paxo said on Newsnight last night despite giving the world the game, we can't play it. The thing is, England has to forget this idea they are one of the best in world in football:LOL: English people are funny that way. They are clearly nowhere near the best and haven't been for quiet a bit. I travel to Italy a lot. The people there are passionate about football, but they also genuinly believe they can win. In England, you know people know England are rubbish but still tell themsleves they can win. Can you imagine how much b'ollocks we would have been subjected to if they qualified? The first thing we need to do is get real. Football ain't our thing, it really isn't.
As Paxo said on Newsnight last night despite giving the world the game, we can't play it. The thing is, England has to forget this idea they are one of the best in world in football:LOL: English people are funny that way. They are clearly nowhere near the best and haven't been for quiet a bit. I travel to Italy a lot. The people there are passionate about football, but they also genuinly believe they can win. In England, you know people know England are rubbish but still tell themsleves they can win. Can you imagine how much b'ollocks we would have been subjected to if they qualified? The first thing we need to do is get real. Football ain't our thing, it really isn't.

How about Dart's then FXSCALPER2 ? for christ sake man, Darts's . Can we say we good at that then ? I think we'd kick butt, with darts. n snooker, hmm these aint team games, is that the reason. ?
As Paxo said on Newsnight last night despite giving the world the game, we can't play it. The thing is, England has to forget this idea they are one of the best in world in football:LOL: English people are funny that way. They are clearly nowhere near the best and haven't been for quiet a bit. I travel to Italy a lot. The people there are passionate about football, but they also genuinly believe they can win. In England, you know people know England are rubbish but still tell themsleves they can win. Can you imagine how much b'ollocks we would have been subjected to if they qualified? The first thing we need to do is get real. Football ain't our thing, it really isn't.

My eldest lad's 9 years old and plays for the local team. They play on smaller pitches that encourages them to pass to feet. Next season they play on full size pitches - he'll be 10 FFS! Result - play the big lads and get e'm to smash the ball the length of the field - much easier than working the ball up there.

You watch teams like Croatia pass ball to feet. You watch England and the pass is inevitably 2 yards behind the player. We can't do the basics.

The game is rotten from grass routes and needs changing.

That said, a decent manager would have qualified from that group. We have paid a wholly inexperienced and inadequate manager the highest salary in the world - why? Because he was the best Englishman:eek: . I certainly don't give a flying about the nationality of the manager - just get someone in who's actually done something in the game.

Stuart Pearce:LOL: ? Well, I suppose we needed some humour this morning.

How about Dart's then FXSCALPER2 ? for christ sake man, Darts's . Can we say we good at that then ? I think we'd kick butt, with darts. n snooker, hmm these aint team games, is that the reason. ?

we're good at any game that can be played in a pub. No wonder we're a nation of such finely tuned atheletes:LOL:

we're good at any game that can be played in a pub. No wonder we're a nation of such finely tuned atheletes:LOL:


Lol, Yes thank god for the Bitish Pint, can you imagine if the eurocrats insist on selling 0.5 litres in the pubs over here....... would it matter ? And I suppose you get more in a 1 Litre fill :p ok only if 0.5 litre servings are not allowed and its still called a Pint. Sorted.
That said, a decent manager would have qualified from that group. We have paid a wholly inexperienced and inadequate manager the highest salary in the world - why? Because he was the best Englishman:eek: . I certainly don't give a flying about the nationality of the manager - just get someone in who's actually done something in the game.

Stuart Pearce:LOL: ? Well, I suppose we needed some humour this morning.


Would a multinational go to the local corner shop for a replacement boss? So why did we have to go the corner shop in Middlesborough?! The FA had the right idea in Scolari and need to go for a winner even if he was a jock.... Ok I take that back, no matter how good Ferguson is things could never be that bad!