Just about sums up traders

strokey tone

Well who would have thought it, that lovely chap Bob Diamond in charge of a bunch of corrupt cockroach traders and bankers and he knew nothing about them being on the fiddle with the Libor and after all he is such a nice chap that he offered to give up his bonus that he hadn't earnt anyway! I'm sorry but he is the man in charge at the top of this pile of stinking puss ridden corrupt unfit for purpose bankers and should all go to prison with the rest of these virus coated stinkers !
How about Andy Hornby, he ran HBOS nto the ground so he would be ideal!

An ideal man in charge would be Fred Goodwin or perhaps even better Bernard Madoff and he could get off to a flying start as he is already in nick and he could run things from there ready for when Bob and the rest of the leaches get in there with him!
Bad stock price day ? Maybe time to buy some more if they knock the price down to 50p again.
i think id leave it a day n see what happens, might drop then stablise in a few days, remember barclays is still a good bank, its still gonna keep above water, diamond will have to go, but like barclays is the first punished wont be the last.
However we dont fully know the future risks due to this, i mean lawsuits could be extremely costly, although unlikely because we dont know how much damage was done by theese people, diamond has already pulled the "few rogue traders"card.
Confidence tricksters come in all shapes and sizes, as governments slowly, but eventually find out.
if Economies, Governments and Shareholders are stupid enough to create the environment for such activities then good luck to the people who were smart enough to exploit it .....

We all make our choices
Confidence tricksters come in all shapes and sizes, as governments slowly, but eventually find out.

confidence tricksters and Goverments in the same sentence ?.....😉

everyone knows Libor is manipulated....I was watching this last night and thought it was old news .....???
such is life ........and always will continue to be at the highest levels of all Corporations and Goverments

just wish I had managed to get there myself ....Damn !!
