John W Henry and Liverpool FC


Senior member
Henry is a well known trader who has had great success in the past. And we often hear that a successful trader will cut his losses early, or he will find a nice trend and hold it until the trend ends.

Well, Roy Hodgson has so far been awful as manager. The worst in Liverpool for 50 years, and the loss at Wolves was shocking. It's not just the results by the way, we deserved to lose more than we have.

So why hasn't he sacked Hodgson already? Clearly a loser. The only trend so far is a downward trend. Why not apply trading principles here, and get rid? I'm at my wits end supporting this team right now.

Anyone else apply trading principles to real life situations? Or just me? 🙂
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I was at Liverpool Uni in the early 90's, the dark days of Souness. But this is worse I think.

Maybe Roy isn't up to it, but his players are simply shocking, they're clearly just waiting for the next manager to come along.
Yeah worse than Sounness in my eyes too.

The players are not doing it for Roy, but I don't blame them. Ever since he has come in, he's been negative about his own players, set negative expectations (a 0-0 draw is good in his eyes), and insulted his fans. If you go into any job, and you blame the customers, and none of the other employees below you respect you, and performance is down, surely you've got to go, right?
I would say it's 95% certain he is toast.

The glory days are now long gone, we have to accept just being a mid-table team, unless Henry can inject ridiculous amounts of cash.
Henry is a well known trader who has had great success in the past. And we often hear that a successful trader will cut his losses early, or he will find a nice trend and hold it until the trend ends.

Well, Roy Hodgson has so far been awful as manager. The worst in Liverpool for 50 years, and the loss at Wolves was shocking. It's not just the results by the way, we deserved to lose more than we have.

So why hasn't he sacked Hodgson already? Clearly a loser. The only trend so far is a downward trend. Why not apply trading principles here, and get rid? I'm at my wits end supporting this team right now.

Anyone else apply trading principles to real life situations? Or just me? 🙂

Where in Liverpool did you grow up?