JayJay's email to sell Grey's code

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Not sure how many people got the email from JayJay (now known as wallstreettrading) trying to sell Grey's code. This is after him recently stating that Grey told him explicitly not to use it for commercial purposes! I don't know if Jason is intentionally putting himself on the spot continuously but in my opinion he is definitely NOT doing himself any service. Personally I will not be going for Jason's sale bonanzas. So I am ....... OUT!
Not sure how many people got the email from JayJay (now known as wallstreettrading) trying to sell Grey's code. This is after him recently stating that Grey told him explicitly not to use it for commercial purposes! I don't know if Jason is intentionally putting himself on the spot continuously but in my opinion he is definitely NOT doing himself any service. Personally I will not be going for Jason's sale bonanzas. So I am ....... OUT!

I was mulling over whether to start this kind of thread. but since you have done it....

I have also received such a proposition via youtube. (too long to show here)

"grey has seen the kind of person i am and liked my honesty and realised how because i say what i feel is actually not a bad trait, at least ive never back stabbed him and also told him straight. I feel like ive won lottery i must admit and im going to kick some ass from these studies. have a great xmas yourself and a very properous new year

grey1 is a very generous person and wanted to change my life. I have agreed with him never to disclose the code or sell on in any way which i will not, the ideas was that members eventyally benifit from the calls it made"

Now, apart from the fact that grey1 was willing to help out traders selflessly via paltalk, so there is no need to buy anything, and T2W is still missing a star member, jayjay121 is clearly reneging on his earlier position of NOT selling the code.
this code can be "mostly" replicated with Grey1s help anyway, although it wont be automated.

He described an event whereby he lost money because of grey1s calls. well, so he made a loss? whats so weird about that.

I just want grey1 back at T2W.

NB: he is offering to sell the code for £5K, and ONLY to 5 members. and a room to hand-hold.
Personally I do hope Grey is reading this thread and will come back and continue with this forum. However I do sympathize with Grey and to be fair to him, a lot of people IMO wrongly associated Jason's activities with Grey and slagged off Grey completely uneccessarily. So I really do understand why GRey would be feeling the way he is.

I dont trust the way Jason conducts his business and I guarantee that anyone who does fall for Jason's services is likely to get burnt. I have been burnt in the past by someone similar to Jason and lost quite a lot of money in similar enterprises to what Jason is and has been offering. So be warned......
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Yeh, we want Grey1 back!!!!

grey1 is free to come back at any time he wishes to, its not like he's banned or generally not welcome.

He is in a difficult position and at least three very vocal critics will make his life (and ours) very difficult. Everything hinges on that vendor badge issue.

The crux on whether the vendor badge is required is down to who was the driving force behind the selling of signals and training on that website, how much grey1 was involved, and if any commercial activities got off the ground, ongoing or are still planned, the info I have is that jayjay was just the front man for the project to avoid grey1 having to declare vendor status, having to get a badge and also the accusations of being a vendor, how true this info is is anyones guess but it was a very good source.

Hopefully we can get some dialog going here so the whole situation can be sorted and a resolution found. If any of you guys have ideas to move this forward then please post them.

Now I do have to ask about the jayjay email, was it totally outside of t2w? or did the email come via the t2w message system? If you would rather not post the info you can PM me in confidence, thanks 🙂
Jason PM'd people from the T2W. He also stated in the message that he had messaged people from the TT group initially. I'll see if I can forward the message to you.
moving forward:

Grey1 tended to stay in his own TT private forum, so he wasnt posting all over the place.
His contributions are such that he helped for free in his paltalk room, and provided set-ups and calls real-time. as well as lots of general background info on risk, etc.

it is possible to derive a manual trading method from all his freely given information.
(as well as members of his TT forum helped each other with code, etc)

he posted his logs of trades taken, so he doesnt need the money.

there are many posts describing where Grey1 invited individual members for free into his home to show how he traded.

(as with most of us here, I think the rooms and chat was just to while away the time in company, in an otherwise boring and lonely profession)

even if you dont use exactly what he uses, his principle method of top-down has an edge, which I witnessed on many, many consective days on paltalk. (and he didnt hide his losses, either, which were proportionately smaller than his wins.)

Grey1 should be encouraged back.
He is in a difficult position and at least three very vocal critics will make his life (and ours) very difficult.

Just ban them and then the problem is solved. I don't understand why the T2W admin put up with all the abuse as all it does it make you look like you are not in control and are accountable to anonymous posters. None of the critics have added anything that can even begin to come close to the value of what Grey1 has done for both the site and trading. All this nonsense about being a mate of Sharky bores me senseless, is not warranted and adds no value to anything on this site.

The sooner T2W admin start acting in the best interest of the site rather than making almost apologetic posts to those who only want to see the site fail or wish to cause disruption the better. If you do this then soon people will understand that criticism of any aspect of the site that is not constructive will result in being banned.

I cannot think of any other situation where management would put up with this and a site with 160K members can easily accommodate losing 3 that have added little of value.

I have already sent Sharky a pm when all the criticism started saying pretty much the same thing. In my view bold action is needed without any explanation as to why it is being done as is the right of any management of any site.

I have to disagree on banning people that wish to see grey1 slapped with a vendor tag, I don't see that will solve anything, indeed it will make matters far worse, the whole issue will then blow up out of all proportion, leaving the mods with complaints from their mates, and I don't see why the mods have to carry the can for what grey1 and jayjay got up to.

As for apologetic posts, well as we don't know the truth one way or the other behind this it is very difficult to take a stand or have any view one way or the other, other than working it out ourselves from the evidence that their website showed. Although the information today that's been forthcoming has really helped, thanks guys.

If you want grey1 back then someone had better message him to contact one of the mods, or admin if he doesn't like us lol, grey needs to explain what's gone on and what the position is now and it can be sorted. this should be a real easy sort out if he cooperates and gets in touch.
The issue is not about vendor tags and the like for Grey1 or anyone else. It is about the abuse that you and others of T2W admin are allowing yourselves to be subject to. T2W admin have allowed themselves to be called liars, hypocrites and accused of favouring some members over others. This in itself is reason enough to ban anyone and whilst it is not dealt with it will certainly continue to both the detriment of the site and reputation of T2W.

I wont say any more on this issue other than quick decisive action would stop this dead. This is not really an issue for moderators but for Sharky and one in which I feel you deserve greater support for.

I am with Paul on this. Also I havent seen any evidence of Grey soliciting for customers in any way so why should he apply for vendor status? The only supposed evidence seems to be some reference on JayJay's site about which Grey has stated categorically on T2W that JayJay had placed on there of his own accord and he had told JayJay to remove it. Furthermore there is evidence of JayJay's explicit lying where he has said that Grey1 told him not to use the VWAP code for commercial use . Yet a few days he is PMing people saying he was selling the code. How can the mods not doubt JayJay's insincerity after this?
On the other hand, Grey has not only helped many people on T2W for FREE for many years but has been running a chatroom FREE and giving live calls and training.
JayJay argument is probably that most of us are sticking up for Grey because we are jealous of JayJay that Grey has given him the code. I honestly dont give a crap about the code. What I am sticking up for is the fact that I believe Grey has been genuinely helping us. If he had wanted to be a scammer, he would have shown his true colours a long time ago. Look through the TT forums and checkout the quality info he has given out for FREE. See how long he has been doing this - see for yourself. This is what has pissed me off about this whole situation....
If you haven't caught the banned member noticeboard post, wallstreettrading (jayjay) has been banned permanently for spamming members via the T2W pm message system.
I am with Paul on this. Also I havent seen any evidence of Grey soliciting for customers in any way so why should he apply for vendor status? The only supposed evidence seems to be some reference on JayJay's site about which Grey has stated categorically on T2W that JayJay had placed on there of his own accord and he had told JayJay to remove it. Furthermore there is evidence of JayJay's explicit lying where he has said that Grey1 told him not to use the VWAP code for commercial use . Yet a few days he is PMing people saying he was selling the code. How can the mods not doubt JayJay's insincerity after this?
On the other hand, Grey has not only helped many people on T2W for FREE for many years but has been running a chatroom FREE and giving live calls and training.
JayJay argument is probably that most of us are sticking up for Grey because we are jealous of JayJay that Grey has given him the code. I honestly dont give a crap about the code. What I am sticking up for is the fact that I believe Grey has been genuinely helping us. If he had wanted to be a scammer, he would have shown his true colours a long time ago. Look through the TT forums and checkout the quality info he has given out for FREE. See how long he has been doing this - see for yourself. This is what has pissed me off about this whole situation....

Just saw this post and have to agree with everything said by Imran and Paul. I only joined the TT forum late but am very grateful for what I did learn from Grey1 while he was around and the live sessions he ran. He deserved better protection from the mods here, he did nothing but help and promote the site and, as can be seen from the drop-off in posts to the TT forum, he has been missed.

The people saying he should have a vendor tag believing he was actually trying to sell something obvioulsy never listened to the man or understood his views on teaching and sharing knowledge. He gave a very simple explaination for the issue with Jayjay and this should have been good enough given his history here on the site.
