J Trader....?

I have used J Trader, if you just want basic buy and sell and fast fills, its great.the platform usually come free with most brokers.
is it stable?

i have heard good and bad about this platform. i must be honest, the java scares me. i have found java seems to crash a lot. may be its just my pc.

i have realised i hardly need half the functionality i currently have, so something simple, quick and reliable would be ideal.

i had a look at the web site. surprising how many of the big banks seem to use it. i thought it was mostly aimed at the retail trader....?
I found j trader faster that IQ Trader platform where you got to pay over 50 quid a month for. I cant say I had much problems with j trader. Yes, I had the odd cut off, but you get that with most platforms from time to time. The bottom line its simple platform and fast. ho and you get accumulative volume, which is handy

I been in this game a long time and found simple methods and simple platforms works best. I was one of the first in the UK to use IQ Platform in the USA big banks have sign up to the platform but its to complicated for me.what I like with j trader, I can have the buy and sell bottom on one box and put it in the bottom of my screen as the same time as watching my charts all on one 15.4 laptop screen.

Anyway if the platform does go down my broker will answer my call within 10sec and they are based in the UK,,I used to be with IB if you platform goes down with them, you will have to wait more than 10sec to get through to the dealer. So you got to add everything up before you decide.

thats one thing about my platform - its rock solid. never crashed once (its not java). its lost connectivity a few times, but like you say thats part of the business and the importance of a good broker (ie not ib!!)

seems like j trader could be an alternative if i switch.