Italian 10yr bonds


Legendary member
Are there any italian bond futures around any more? Or alternatively do any spread betting companies offer spreads on them? I fancy doing my own LTCM-style trade and spreading them with the bund, apparently the spread is the highest for 7 years.

Since adoption of the Euro, pretty sure there isn't. Perhaps the spread relates to the cash bonds, which would be a bit strange because effectively this would mean no perfect futures hedge.

However, given the Italians don't like the Euro, it's probably only a question of time.

May be something here but I couldn't find anything:
Home Page - Borsa Italiana

"highest for 7 years". A year ago it was probaly the highest for 6 years. Good luck.

Are there any italian bond futures around any more? Or alternatively do any spread betting companies offer spreads on them? I fancy doing my own LTCM-style trade and spreading them with the bund, apparently the spread is the highest for 7 years.

Movimento sbagliato. You'll go the same way as Lousy Timing Crap Management 😆
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