IT guy looking for banking certification


Hi, I am in at IT guy with over 10 years of experience and currently at architectural/design level. I work on technologies which probably are very much common in almost investment bank, infant I am not aware of one going bank which does not use those technologies. Biggest obstacle for me to get into an investment banking seems to be no prior experience. So I am thinking of doing some sort of course/certification which gives me basic level knowledge of the industry and makes me speak & understand the banking/finance language.

Will IMC be good for that? Will it give me any help considering that I am an IT guy and that's what I want to continue doing?

If not, can someone please kindly advice me where can I begin getting some good knowledge and may be prove it with a certification?

Many thanks,
Just to clarify you are working in IT and want to work in IT at a bank?

Im not sure about banking specifically but you shouldnt really need any specific qualifications for the industry. I work for a large retail asset manager in the uk and have no financial qualifications. I am planning on taking some to widen my potential career path.

Plenty of people I work with had no prior IT for finance experience. People have come from travel agencies, supermarkets, etc. Typically they do prefer experience in the sector but it is by no means necessary. I would check out the job websites for your profession and look for banks

What specific technologies are you using and what country are you in?
