Is there any IG Index client members who are (or was at the time) unable to access their IG online account ?

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I have tried to access my online IG account but I am unable to FULLY do so after trying over the last 2 hours.
I am trying to do so on a Computer.... and NOT by Mobile or App.

Initially I was able to log into my dashboard... BUT not able to access their trading platform.

I did phone them to ask if there was a problems that they was aware of.... in which they said NO !

They suggested that I tried to remove any IG cookies and to restart my computer and try again.

I have since done this and NOW I cannot even log in to the dashboard.

There has just been a large decline in the US Index Markets... ie DOW and SPX 500 in which I suspect that they may
have locked clients out (if they were not already logged in)

I just wondered if anyone else has had any problems trying to log in to IG in the last hr between 1.30 to 3.30 hrs

They are bad at times ( from also some past similar situations I recall ) for not being able to deal with certain things when huge moves occur.

I realise that OPTION prices would change rapidly that they can not easily deal or keep up with.

But they have prevented anyone wanting to close their positions or take profits or place another trade.
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I've only just logged into mine now but all is working OK.
Have you tired using a different browser?
Thks for your feedback Big Deal !.

Its good to note that their platform is still working ok at least to allow access for certain devices or Computers.

I have had some problems with some of my more modern devices.

At the moment and over some years, I have been using older Windows system and browsers...
BUT been normally still able to access IGs account OK.

In the last 6 to 12 months.... Unfortunately for certain Older Windows users...
Certain things have stopped working either via the Op System or Browser in being able to access certain websites.
Which may have been down to Web companies changing to more modern servers or with use on the Cloud.

( I used to be able to access IG Index OK using Firefox, but it stopped working for me about 6 months ago.)

BUT I am or was (Until Today ) able to access it on google Chrome OK.

I have tried to phone IG again, but was unable to get thru to them at least on an attempt for about 30 mins.

I have tried to log in again on a few occasions and am still unable to do so.

IF I find later... All of a sudden I can access back in again OK..
Id like to know why, I was not able to log in. and hopefully to discuss things with their IT tech team.

But often their tech team or certain IG depts wont speak directly to their clients...
and sometimes you have to try to explain to a customer service agent (CSA) and see if they ask or explain my issue to the tech team.

But when some things are a bit complex, it would be better if I was able to speak with them direct... as often you only get limited
feedback from CSAs.
I normally access my account through Chrome on my computer with no problem. but I haven't been able to access my account on my ipad for months now presumably because the ios is out of date. So I can sympathise; it is frustrating when older systems are no longert compatible.

I've been a client of IG for over 20 years, and although I only need to speak with someone occassionally, I can certainly agree that trying to contact them now is much more difficult than it was when I started, but I guess that's 'progress' for you, and they are not alone in cutting back on their most expensive overhead.
Upto earlier today , I was also able to use chrome like yourself...

BUT I am now wondering if my version may have also stopped working as of today.🙁
I Switched my computer off for 30 mins and switched it back on and tried to access IGs log in...
and I am still unable to access or log in to it.

I can access IGs website for what the general pubic can access...and see most of their pages content... and I used to be able to access their Free Charts, such as their live Dow or S&P 500 index. without having to log into IGs platform to access charts.

BUT NOW I am am unable to see the actual charts in full, but I can see just the buy and sell price say for eg for the Dow
with out being able to seeing actual chart options to select differing time frames, from 1 min, 5 min to hr, to daily, weekly etc.
that I used to find very useful for keeping an eye on the markets.

Over the last few months / weeks / days theres been a few other anoying things I have noted with regards to IG.

I used to prefer using their older version website, that was working ok about 3 weeks ago...
but when I was able to log in before... it was NOT showing that option to be able to select.
when I phoned I asked about it and they said they had removed it from about March 27th 24.

HAS IG Informed its clients about certain changes that I may have missed.???

I just wrote this....

(I ALSO JUST PHONED THEM AGAIN on 0800 195 3100 and found that a message now says they are closed...I assume from about 18.00 hrs Uk time ! I am Not sure if this just for today for some uncertain unknown reason or now a regular things..

There was no explanation given if its a one off...or rare event,

Was yourself or any other member aware of this if now a regular thing due to some changes that may have made ?)

THEN I JUST LOOKED AT THEIR WEBSITE and noted they have made a ref to their open / close time being 6 PM

but I had not been aware they had done this..

whats happened to 24 hr trading, is there another Number one can call for outside UK hrs ? if NOT I dont know what to make of it.
BUT its seems a severe downfall in their service . considering they have a world wide staff and the markets are 24 hrs a day for
certain main Indexes or Commodities for eg

Start trading today. Call 0800 195 3100 or email [email protected]. We’re available from 8am to 6pm (UK time), Monday to Friday.

I wondered What are they playing at.... That number has been available for years and was 24 hr operation...or at they should be available UK time.
to 21.00 / 22.00 hrs UK time to cover US markets that trade to such a time.

Then I just found that they now have another number I found that seems to offer the same two options that the 0800 free number used to offer..which was to select either existing or new client enquiries..

I am NOT sure why they have changed things.but it seems in the UK this is now one other number that can be used .0207633 5430,

Start trading today. Call +44 (20) 7633 5430, or email [email protected] to talk about opening a trading account. We’re here 24/5.

IT SEEMS THAT THEY HAVE TAKEN AWAY THE FREE 0800 Number to be able to Contact them for Existing Client queries.
WHICH I find rather annoying as I have the used the free number on various phone devices for years that did not always need credit on them to contact free numbers..

I am Not sure if there maybe any other Free phone 0800 Numbers for IG existing clients ? there used to be a few others but they stopped working.

At one Time, over the last 5 yrs, I used to have to wait quite some time to await for some of IGs services to answer a phone call.
such as their dealing desk..

BUT in the last year or so... it seems that they changed things and set up a different system and had obtained maybe more WORLD wide staff
to answer calls rather than the London office.... as often you get someone taking calls from other countries. Maybe from other Euro ones,
or maybe even far east / such as India.

I was informed that they had reduced the staff severe in the London UK office...but I am not really sure whats been going on behind the scenes.

Probably since and due to Covid,,, but what damage its done or what the future holds for IG....

I am NoT sure... it would be very concerning if they was to close.

Yes I also have other devices including older Iphones that no longer access certain websites .
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