Is there a single organised prop firm you can buy into in London left?


Just a quick one:

I'm aware there are desks in arcades etc going and they do great work at filling a niche, but is there a single "full" prop firm left that takes on self funded traders without any BS? I note a lot of the old firms who used to do so still operate, but they all seem to be clearing houses now, a la Marex.

Looking online there's a bunch of props wistfully looking for top tier grads for algo development (good luck with that), but I'm failing to see much in the way of old fashioned props where you could rock up with 50k and get a desk in EC.


Thanks much for your time, but in what way do Xconnect and GHF offer a prop firm environment? I'm sure they would both happily help me set up a prop firm if I was that way inclined mind you as they've both moved into clearing and settlements like Marex!

TTG I heard weren't taking anybody new but I'll give them a call considering I'm decently funded. Could also try Met I suppose, but they're trying to set themselves up as the British Optiver, fair play. Savi I hear are still pushing scam training so won't be going there. What happened to Pyne? Their financials don't look too bad considering.

ABN Amro?? The huge Dutch bank?? "Excuse me lads, you got a FGBL feed in your many offices or what?"

I'm going to end up trading solo as usual aren't I.
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Are there here any traders of Oak Futures or FCT? I would like to know what needs to be done to get into these prop firms. I have no experience as a trader yet. In a few months I finish my university degree
We will be opening a full blown Day Trading Centre in London 2018. This will comprise of 20-30 fully equipped 6 screen desks running state of the art programs and apps. Real time market knowledge and information will provided as well as economic data and technical analysis. This operation is being funded by a small group of ex bank and hedge fund traders looking for a more relaxed approach to trading the markets and sharing information among like minded individuals looking to beat the system! There will be no extortionate rates for desk rent as this business is being set up to bring traders closer together with a view to making it profitable for everyone! I will update further as the concept progresses. Anyone who is interested in getting involved in the set up and the running of it please come back to me. Best regards
We will be opening a full blown Day Trading Centre in London 2018. This will comprise of 20-30 fully equipped 6 screen desks running state of the art programs and apps. Real time market knowledge and information will provided as well as economic data and technical analysis. This operation is being funded by a small group of ex bank and hedge fund traders looking for a more relaxed approach to trading the markets and sharing information among like minded individuals looking to beat the system! There will be no extortionate rates for desk rent as this business is being set up to bring traders closer together with a view to making it profitable for everyone! I will update further as the concept progresses. Anyone who is interested in getting involved in the set up and the running of it please come back to me. Best regards

Hi there,
Would be very interested in this. Primarily trade bund futures, have my own clearing etc. Please could you let me know any details-potential location/cost and anything else that you think is relevant? Obviously happy for you to PM me.

Hi there,
Would be very interested in this. Primarily trade bund futures, have my own clearing etc. Please could you let me know any details-potential location/cost and anything else that you think is relevant? Obviously happy for you to PM me.


I am not entirely sure where you got your information from, but Xconnect still have a Prop entity with lots of remote traders and trading offices. They have not moved into clearing and still use ABN as their clearer. Not sure what space they have in the City Old Jewry office as that seems to have a couple of trading groups facilitated but is mainly focused on Brokers. Hope that helps
I would be interested in knowing more about the costs, structure, location etc. Can someone contact me please. Howard.t