Is the bond bubble about to pop?


Junior member
Here's a very relevant quote from an article dated Feb 25 in the MarketWatch written by Eric St-Cyr :

"And now that the quality of the asset you own in a fixed-income fund is deteriorating rapidly (especially for sovereigns) and yields are close to 0%, what future expectation of return do you have? Yes, it is possible that we will see 10-year Treasuries going to 1%, however they may also go to 4% or 5%. U.S. sovereign debt presents an asymmetric risk profile, where the possible losses are much higher then the possible profit. The reward in sovereign bonds isn't worth the risk.

I strongly feel that the time to sell most sovereign bonds is now, and if you have to own some, focus on the AAA rating countries such as Canada or Australia. Investors should also keep a close eye on corporate bonds, as the yield paid doesn't compensate for the risk going forward."

Interested in viewers' comments on this.