Is it possible to run an EA whilst not having mt4 open or being connected to the web?


Junior member
I joined a signal service last week and with this service you can use an EA which basically makes the trades automatically for you rather than you waiting for the signals and making the trades manually.

The EA works by reading their server and when they enter a new trade they update their server. Is there anyway I can get this EA to run all the time without having my computer on and mt4 open all day long?

Is it possible to install an EA onto a mobile phone mt4 software?
I think you might be in for a disappointment, it seems you have been convinced that you can make money trading with zero effort on your own part and now you want to trade automatically without even going to the bother of switching on your PC.

If you've any sense you'll trade those signals on a demo account to see how it goes.
pboyles, I guess you are just like most others on this forum. Someone relatively new with a low post count posts a question and they get accussed of being lazy, wanting something for nothing, having no 'sense', etc, etc.

I would like you to point out to me, the part of my post where I said I thought it was possible to make money trading with zero effort. It would also be great if you can show me where I said I couldnt be bothered to turn on my PC.

I posted this thread looking for adivce on EA's as I am unfamliar with them. The signal service I signed up for use 3 different systems and trade 24 hours per day. Obviously I am not awake 24 hours per day (maybe you are) which means if I was trading manually I wouldnt be able to take all their signals. Its for this reason that I wanted to use the EA's, to take all the trades and fully test the service. I also do not want to leave my PC on for 24 hours a day, this is why I asked if its possible to run these EA's without having the PC on. Do I get an award from you as I must have a little bit of sense beacause I am already trading them on demo.

This site has some very helpful members willing to help other members and share their experience/advice. It also has some very unhelpful members who seem to accuse and come up with wild asumptions everytime someone makes a post. I wonder which category you fit into.
Ok so after some looking around I come across VPS. Does anyone else use on of these services? If so, which one?

I think this would be a good fix for the problem of leaving my PC on the whole time. Having a quick look around it seems you can get a good service for £20-£30 per month, providing there is not monthly minimum contract I think I will try this as it will allow me to try all the systems without having my own PC all day.
VPS is a "Virtual Private Server". You can google for details. I guess the main concerns for me are a) does it run 24/7 b) what happens if the vendor has a maintenance window, is it agreed up front and will I always know in advance that the service will be unavailable c) who will restart the programs if the physical box goes down d) Will I get the performance from the physical server e) how many other users will share the physical box. In the US there is a site which is used by some folks for hosting their futures-trading apps. I think you rent a physical server for $170 per month.


You should also be concerned about the security implications. VPS's are regularly hacked into (including mine a couple of years ago). Also, some VPS providers may regard Metatrader as a breach of their T&C's so you may need to go to one of the specialist trading VPS providers, but I hear mixed things about them.
Why can't you leave your PC on 24/5? You could buy a second PC that's only running MT4. Probably cheaper in the longrun.
I agree with the security implication issue (as with any hosted server or, indeed, any business partner, you must have a trust relationship).

Would be good to hear from anyone (who does not have a vested financial interest) if they have had a GOOD experience with such a service provider.

