Is Forex Trading ADDICTIVE ?

Forex is addictive like every other "game" involving money. Money gives you same pleasure as some drugs. So when you sit before your laptop and watch how pips are going up and down it feels very nice.

You can called it as a skill games. It require a lot of skills to do this and get a lot of money. Though you lose some of your investments, you'll do your best to win it back and when you have took back that money, you'll want it to be doubled, tripled or more so:clap:
Yeah i'd say it can be very addictive, especially if you get a buzz from it all. Although i think the more you settle in and start to just perform the actions to place the trades etc it becomes more clockwork and routine, which is good as it means you're being consistent.
Although i think the more you settle in and start to just perform the actions to place the trades etc it becomes more clockwork and routine, which is good as it means you're being consistent.

I suppose the more you trade, the more it becomes addictive)) Despite you became consistent, you find out about a lot of new things... And new knowledge always encourages to new trade actions...
Well i think it usually depend on the trader that how he takes the trading as addiction or some thing else.I am doing trading from the past one and a half year but still don't have any kind of addiction into it.I take it as my hobby or interest .
I read a scientific paper a while back that says that during PROFITABLE trading, the same areas of the brain light up as when you have sex. Now tell me, if it is addictive or not?))
I read a scientific paper a while back that says that during PROFITABLE trading, the same areas of the brain light up as when you have sex. Now tell me, if it is addictive or not?))

👍 that's why there are mostly boys here)) men want the only one thing - TRADING))

not sure want to think about my enthusiasm with trading also 😱 always thought that's about my love for Math...
Forex for me comes and goes. Some months I do it constantly, other times I take breaks that last months at a time.
I think that it only depends from a person whether trading addictive for him/her or not. When it deals with money all of us become addictive I guess
If you find Forex addictive, you're gambling.

If you find yourself taking trades for the thrill of it, you're on the slippery slope to going bust.

I have to second this... I find the whole thing dreadfully boring since I stopped losing years back.

I basically trade mechanically. I'd never fool myself into thinking I bring much of an edge with my human experience etc. Nope. Maths. Properly and adaptively applied per pair. Done. That can't really be addictive. Makes good cash though...