Is anyone into daytrading stocks on news?


Active member
Is live news feeds enough to trade on or still need T.A. ??

I have no idea about trading on the news services, such as Reuters, but that's
what everyone trading full time seems to do, I also was offered such a service by for news on UK shares, I just didn't like being told what to do and
what to trade, I want something that will help me develop my own judgement and
gain experience, is it possible to just start with a news service and basic TA setups?:?:
Trading news is very profitable but imo you still need to do so with charts and / or a good level 2 service. Its also very helpful to trade with a group such as in a live chat room where you have many traders searching for plays at one time. Many eyes are better than two. I have made really nice money in Traders forum - Powered by vBulletin live chat room over the last couple of months. If it runs, they find it and alert it for the entire room to profit from. News plays will make you money but you got to know which news is worthy of a play and which is just fluff. Like I said, a group goes along way in helping to separate the good from the bad.
trading on news is madness, there is the rare opportunity, however by the time the news reaches you through whiever major media all trades are virtually priced in so you may win but only due to luck. trading is about taking a view based on fundementals, and example is the news reported debehnams was ahead of anaylst prediction, so the shares swung up, following by another report saying like for like sales were down which resulted in a swing down. think about it.
ps. on the point of trading in teams, remeber you can only profit if someone makes a loss. its your call. good luck.
ps. on the point of trading in teams, remeber you can only profit if someone makes a loss. its your call. good luck.

I don't fully understand spreat betting firms and their operations, some operate
on 'bucket shop' principles, I kind of disagree that someone else has to lose, there's many different time frames traders involved, you can call it a zero sum game but
is not in one on one way, like that a single person has to lose what someone else will

I trade In the currency markets , they are a zero sum game but a very complex one,
evenly spread all over the globe,
currency fluctuations affect everyone of us, every ordinary citizen wins or loses
on their transactions, on holiday, buying a home abroad etc,
then there's interest rates, the devaluing effects of inflation....

I hate people who say, '' the stock market doesn't concern me'' it sure does,
it's all one thing with different components, stocks, bonds, forex, commodities,

One big illusion these idiots don't realize is when their country has huge debts,
the debt is simply paid off by devaluing the national currency,,

I remember when Greece had huge debts prior to joining the Euro there were two
sharp declines in the value of the drachma, some people lost 50% of their lifetime
savings, yet the idiots hardly noticed anything
capitalism is a very fragile model however we look at it. the basis of trade and free markets have a long history by the way of trading goods but the globalisation model is very new. A interesting book is the economic hitman. gives some insight into why i believe we are where we are. I have never tried forex, i focus on commodites in the FTSE 100. The only thing I know about forex is that a guy where i worked lost alot of money, plus i dont really understand it so i admit i have stayed away. I still believe there is a winner and loser, principally because the platform only replicates what the 'real' situation is, it does not take from the economy at large in terms of funding your profit or loss. Same with commodities, I can only profit is there is enough people hoping in the other direction (or make a loss which happens too).

You are right that there are large impacts whether it be forex or commodity holding and this is purely becuase there is a real impact. Same with stocks. I made a major loss as i held rbs stocks and if i had shorted them i would have gained however my stock holding was more so impacted due to mob mentality which howver you look at it is influenced by the media.
The world as i understand it, runs on borrowings of large debt and at the moment we are simply re- alighning where the power shift will be in the years to come. If you look at some of the major director holding of ftse 100 COMPANIES, you will notice a lot of international influence.
capitalism is a very fragile model however we look at it. the basis of trade and free markets have a long history by the way of trading goods but the globalisation model is very new. A interesting book is the economic hitman. gives some insight into why i believe we are where we are. I have never tried forex, i focus on commodites in the FTSE 100. The only thing I know about forex is that a guy where i worked lost alot of money, plus i dont really understand it so i admit i have stayed away. I still believe there is a winner and loser, principally because the platform only replicates what the 'real' situation is, it does not take from the economy at large in terms of funding your profit or loss. Same with commodities, I can only profit is there is enough people hoping in the other direction (or make a loss which happens too).

You are right that there are large impacts whether it be forex or commodity holding and this is purely becuase there is a real impact. Same with stocks. I made a major loss as i held rbs stocks and if i had shorted them i would have gained however my stock holding was more so impacted due to mob mentality which howver you look at it is influenced by the media.

Forex you can win if you trade the longer term trend, I find it less stressful from stocks
and daytrading, and you don't have to quit your daytime job, it took me some time
to learn and made dumb mistakes, if you friend tried daytrading forex and lost
or other short term thing is not the way to go,
Forex is better in a way, unlike stocks information doesn't come from within a single exchange and things are clearer,

You can trade long term forex based on the 200 day MA and RSI alone! and make
big returns every year,
I've seen it on eurodollar all the time, there's no need for elliot wave and Febonacci
and the rest, I'm surprised people are obsessed with excessive analysis and daytrading,

There's periods where the central bank may intervene causing sharp 500 - 800 pip counter trend swings
out of the blue and lasting few days, the original trend later resumes again, even a million
technical traders is not match for the central bank, in such cases and if the fundamentals are still intact and we are ok with the 200 day ma I feel ok to even add to my losing position even if it is -600 pips,
One big illusion these idiots don't realize is when their country has huge debts,
the debt is simply paid off by devaluing the national currency,,

I remember when Greece had huge debts prior to joining the Euro there were two
sharp declines in the value of the drachma, some people lost 50% of their lifetime
savings, yet the idiots hardly noticed anything

In the UK (more than likely true in other countries), money is debt. The banking system works on a x9 factorial system. Where the banks can loan you x9 your deposit. This extra money is just conjoured up out of thin air. It is regulated by the government.

Inflation is controlled by the amount of trade and commerce you have Vs the debt that is conjoured by the banks and government.
Don't trade on news, trade on the momentum generated by the reaction to news. Let the market tell you what the trend is because the market will not let you dictate the trend. Follow the trend.