Iron condor - Credit received vs. profit received when option expires


I am trying to understand how to trade options using Iron condor strategy.

I just would like to know what is the difference between the credit received when your iron condor is filled vs. the profit amount you will receive when all 4 legs of the iron condor trade expire. This assumes everything go as planned.
Moolah I have a forumla for these and they won't work in the UK market currently-your porfit is simply the premium taken in. your loss is the width of the strikes minus the prewmium taken in. Your margin is the width of the strikes. Example FTSE at 7300 you sell a 7100/7000 put spread and 7500/7600 call spread for 25 in total. Your maxmimum profit is 25 maximum loss 75. Much of this and in fact real iron condors are discussed on my website. I've been trading since 1999, I'm vastly experienced but I'm an idiot!