Irish Traders Group


Junior member
Hi all, just a notice to any Irish traders.

A few of us have set up an informal group to try and bring together traders (both professional & retail) from Ireland and provide a way for like minded people to share ideas and strategies, and basically help one another out. Non of the "advice" given or ideas shared, whether it be on the mailing list, or directly from one member to another, should be taken as professional advice. If you decide to trade your life savings based on the advice of another member then it is entirely at your own risk. Personally, I only trade during a full-moon, against the trend, and of course while wearing my lucky tinfoil hat ;-)

Anyone joining the group with a view to selling their product, whether it be a self help book, a holy grail trading system, or an" Expert Advisor guaranteeing 100% returns over 2 days" etc, will be kindly asked to leave. We all get enough spam into our Inbox. If you want to flog your old PC and 24" flatscreen monitor because you bought a Bloomberg Terminal, that's OK - but selling your trading systems etc isn't allowed. This group is about sharing information, not selling it.

We plan on trying to meet up on a regular basis, even for just a pint and some trading talk.

If you're interested send an email to [email protected]
Hi, I'm new at this site and on the trading world, I'm interested in learning more from this fantastic group in Ireland and share some ideas. I have been on demo accounts MT4 for about 4 months now and I'm improving a bit day by day. I would like to hear from fellow traders about better strategies and some news. Where and how to meet other traders from Ireland? tks frank