

Active member

I would like to talk about an offshore firm, duly regulated and who offers MT4 and CNX trading applications in a secure environment. In current conditions for US brokers, platforms and brokers like this one may be a good option, especially as funds are insured against broker failure. now also offers daily and intraday FX trading tips through its advanced platforms to all live accounts, supplied by the team.
The website of the firm that is regulated in Gibraltar is which is different from your URL The 2 websites are registered to different addresses, could you clarify this please? You will be aware that there are many scams that use cloned website content and similar names/addresses etc so its always good to check.
Hi Pboyles,

I hereby post the reply as seen on my post under News&Analysis (FX), so I'm just pasting text to give also an answer here on the topic you raised. and are two websites of the same broker, Investors Europe, based out in Gibraltar. The sites are not a clone one to the other, they are just different from an operational point of view. The difference, and hence the '-' sign in one of the names, is that investorseurope (altogether) is the stocks/futures brokerage, and the one with the '-' is basically focused on FX, allowing traders to use MT4 and CNX for that matter. The one linked to, where I act as the editor and chief market analyst, is (with '-').

Hope this clears the issue.

Also, let me add that Investors Europe is fully regulated in Gibraltar, part of the funds compensation scheme there and MiFID compliant. Definitely a preferred choice for offshore trading, worth a try. FX traders will appreciate the CNX platform or MT4 if they like to program their own strategies. I speak more of FX as it is my area of knowledge and can say something about it when it comes to product and service.
The website of the firm that is regulated in Gibraltar is which is different from your URL The 2 websites are registered to different addresses, could you clarify this please? You will be aware that there are many scams that use cloned website content and similar names/addresses etc so its always good to check.

Hi This is the Spot Forex site of
demoed a bit

often candle stops just before t/p line

remains motionless for a while and then jumps several pips

probably you understand who you are gonna play against?

(better to say against"what")
I had an incident recently with Investors Europe who are an absolute scam and took me for a ride with over $8,000 - Be careful guys! Investors Europe scammers also claimed to be regulated in Gibraltar and now claiming to be regulated in Mauritius but after checking with the said regulators in retrospect, all their claims have proven to be false and one big misrepresentation. Be cautious who you are trading with!

These brokers operate in no man's land and the only way we victim traders can bring them to justice is by warn other traders about their crimes.