Investopedia Simulator Billionaires?


Junior member
Does anyone play this game?

How did the top 100 players who start with 100k paper money all manage to make over a billion???? Top 20 all have 500 billion!

Is there some way to cheat in the game?

I don't think it's statistically probable. There must be some exploit with the delay... Top players aren't showing positive gains each day so I'm guessing it was fixed recently.
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hi mistakesweremade

not ever signed into that one and as such have no idea what stocks are available, or indeed the rules of engagement.

but would make a guess that they could be lumping the lot on to penny stocks, and building the massive pot. notwithstanding of course any, as you say, exploit of the game. again i'm guessing, one such exploit may be there's no realism to the liquidity of the penny stock, hence you being able to continually lump a buy on the lot on each trade and being able to sell all in one go also. so they will either be making a killing several times over and over again if getting direction right, or blowing up in spectacular fashion if not.

try it it's good fun, especially if you go up against fellows who are doing the same and you're posting friendly abuse to each other.
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Does anyone play this game?

How did the top 100 players who start with 100k paper money all manage to make over a billion???? Top 20 all have 500 billion!

Is there some way to cheat in the game?

I don't think it's statistically probable. There must be some exploit with the delay... Top players aren't showing positive gains each day so I'm guessing it was fixed recently.

Why you are surprised , its doable with endless trials and participants , you are looking at hypothetical outliers ...
Why you are surprised , its doable with endless trials and participants , you are looking at hypothetical outliers ...

No, it's not doable even with endless trials and participants because the game started in 2014....

There is just no freaking way without exploiting that 20 players managed to build 500 billion in that time frame with just 100k....

You'll have to guess right the top moving stocks for every single day and put all your money in it (including margin.) for like xxx days... (Which is what i think the top players did.)

I'm not really good at math... But lets just say they averaged 50% return each day.

Starting from day 1 with 100k and 100% margin.

The next day they'll have 300k and 300k margin, then 900k+900k margin and so on... I estimate aleast 6 months gaining 50% roi everyday (without any losses whatsoever!) and putting every dime in it to reach 500 billion.

You know how extremely difficult & improbable that is???
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No, it's not doable even with endless trials and participants because the game started in 2014....

There is just no freaking way without exploiting that 20 players managed to build 500 billion in that time frame....

You'll have to guess right the top moving stocks for each day and put all your money in it for like xxx days.

Ah ok started this year , i thought u r talking about their games in general as they have games back to more than 8 years with the ability to trade options as well , in that case its doable ...
hi mistakesweremade

not ever signed into that one and as such have no idea what stocks are available, or indeed the rules of engagement.

but would make a guess that they could be lumping the lot on to penny stocks, and building the massive pot. notwithstanding of course any, as you say, exploit of the game. again i'm guessing, one such exploit may be there's no realism to the liquidity of the penny stock, hence you being able to continually lump a buy on the lot on each trade and being able to sell all in one go also. so they will either be making a killing several times over and over again if getting direction right, or blowing up in spectacular fashion if not.

try it it's good fun, especially if you go up against fellows who are doing the same and you're posting friendly abuse to each other.

Not possible, penny stocks aren't allowed!
Ah ok started this year , i thought u r talking about their games in general as they have games back to more than 8 years with the ability to trade options as well , in that case its doable ...

These jokers got nothing better to do.... They were probably using a real time quote streamer and taking advantage of the 15 min delay to see into the future for news moving stocks then hording the best options at that time..

It is not possible anymore, I believe they fixed it at some point which is why 99% in the top 100 have losses today. Lmao!
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No, it's not doable even with endless trials and participants because the game started in 2014....

There is just no freaking way without exploiting that 20 players managed to build 500 billion in that time frame with just 100k....

You'll have to guess right the top moving stocks for every single day and put all your money in it (including margin.) for like xxx days... (Which is what i think the top players did.)

I'm not really good at math... But lets just say they averaged 50% return each day.

Starting from day 1 with 100k and 100% margin.

The next day they'll have 300k and 300k margin, then 900k+900k margin and so on... I estimate aleast 6 months gaining 50% roi everyday (without any losses whatsoever!) and putting every dime in it to reach 500 billion.

You know how extremely difficult & improbable that is???

There was an exercise conducted by Van Tharp that had a group of people in a room take the same trades, issued by pulling marbles out of a bag. Everyone started with the same amount. 60% of the marbles were winners and 40% were losers. It had a risk-reward ratio of 1:1. The winner of the contests got a free book or something like that. The winner kept betting almost his entire account with each trade. The point of the exercise was that, to quote Van Tharp, "to win contests you have to do crazy things."

While mathematically, it seems difficult or nearly impossible, they could be putting all of that paper money into options turning a $100,000 account into $400,000, then $800,000, then take a loss making it $700,000, then $1,500,000 and so on. When you're trading like that, your fate is decided within the first one or two trades. It's trading no one would ever do in real life unless you are a degenerate gambler.

I personally think that you're better off looking at the accounts that turned $100,000 into $125,000 or $150,000, etc.
CheatEngine. Keep in mind a bunch of kids like 4chan's /biz/ board and Reddit plays these games. MarketWatch's leaderboard is the same.
There was an exercise conducted by Van Tharp that had a group of people in a room take the same trades, issued by pulling marbles out of a bag. Everyone started with the same amount. 60% of the marbles were winners and 40% were losers. It had a risk-reward ratio of 1:1. The winner of the contests got a free book or something like that. The winner kept betting almost his entire account with each trade. The point of the exercise was that, to quote Van Tharp, "to win contests you have to do crazy things."

While mathematically, it seems difficult or nearly impossible, they could be putting all of that paper money into options turning a $100,000 account into $400,000, then $800,000, then take a loss making it $700,000, then $1,500,000 and so on. When you're trading like that, your fate is decided within the first one or two trades. It's trading no one would ever do in real life unless you are a degenerate gambler.

I personally think that you're better off looking at the accounts that turned $100,000 into $125,000 or $150,000, etc.

This is exactly right, and why on PokerStars, or any online "Paper Money" gambling there are people who have ungodly amounts of money.
Not possible, penny stocks aren't allowed!

so if otc isn't allowed am intrigued as to what they're up to. signed up and had a look.

predominantly they are lumping everything on to 1, 2 and 3 dollar stocks.

there's always BAA @ 0.129 or PAL @ 0.186 and lots more.

if playing legit that's how they're doing it.
so if otc isn't allowed am intrigued as to what they're up to. signed up and had a look.

predominantly they are lumping everything on to 1, 2 and 3 dollar stocks.

If all these guy's in the top 100 who've limited knowledge of the stock market can make 1 billion+ within 1 year then how come so few traders in real life are billionaires that had a lifetime to achieve this? Sorry, but I'm not convinced.

there's always BAA @ 0.129 or PAL @ 0.186 and lots more.
I already told you that the minimum price is 1.00 to buy stocks. And the volume rules are the same in real life so you cannot lump all your money into penny stocks.
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Dude, they're aleast 20 players with 500 billion... Realistically, if these guy's who probably know nothing about the stock market can do this then you'd think there should be more people in real life with fortunes over 500 billion. Since that isn't the case then there is a super good reason to suspect they're cheating..

I concede I didn't have time to look at any leaderboards. but I have included within my posts about any cheating being an aside, and I have not discussed further, mainly because I have no understanding of how they do that.

on the other hand, going balls deap in a demo comp is easy, with no downside and vast (paper) riches can be made. but you're right, 500 billion is a tad large an amount, so yes, agreed they must be cheating somehow. drtro must explain what this "cheat engine" is all about.
I concede I didn't have time to look at any leaderboards.

I just looked and now wish I hadn't as now i'm confused. maybe we're not looking at 500 billion? maybe it's a mistake? maybe it's cumulative across previous games? because if you look at some of those leader's trading history, some haven't made a bean yet.

I just looked and now wish I hadn't as now i'm confused. maybe we're not looking at 500 billion? maybe it's a mistake? maybe it's cumulative across previous games? because if you look at some of those leader's trading history, some haven't made a bean yet.


I can see maybe a few players making a billion during the dotcom boom, but to have 20 players to have 500 billion and such proximity to each other is too much of coincident...

You can continue to insist they're doing it legit, but I'm done with this conversation. It isn't uncommon where stock simulators have a flawed delay time. (It just shows you're not familiar on this.)

Look, I just googled this to avoid further argument on this topic. (Read bottom of post.)
I can see maybe a few players making a billion during the dotcom boom, but to have 20 players to have 500 billion and such proximity to each other is too much of coincident...

You can continue to insist they're doing it legit, but I'm done with this conversation. It isn't uncommon where stock simulators have a flawed delay time. (It just shows you're not familiar on this.)

Look, I just googled this to avoid further argument on this topic. (Read bottom of post.)

I haven't at all insisted they are doing it legit. all I am saying in my last post is that I can see from the trading history of some players is that they have lost money, although their account may say 500 billion plus, their trading history says otherwise.

see pic

i'm done also (y)


  • trade history.PNG
    trade history.PNG
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I believe you are chasing your tail on this one.

if I were you i'd stop worrying what others have in their paper trading accounts, as I believe it's possibly a whopping error that's never been cleaned up.

this pic taken from the same person as above pic


  • an error possibly.PNG
    an error possibly.PNG
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Either way it doesn't matter because anyone that is stupid enough to cheat in simulation is only cheating themselves.
Yes, they are cheating. I exploit an options "bid" glitch that allows 1 cent stocks to go to $57 the second they load into your options portfolio. That is how the top players make billions of dollars in a single day. The reason they sometimes go down is because they have tons of money and invest in a bunch of other stocks. Hope this helped!
More info

Yes, they are cheating. I exploit an options "bid" glitch that allows 1 cent stocks to go to $57 the second they load into your options portfolio. That is how the top players make billions of dollars in a single day. The reason they sometimes go down is because they have tons of money and invest in a bunch of other stocks. Hope this helped!

Here, this is my account. As you can see I use the glitch i talked about, along woth another one
