Investment dilema - share your thoughts?


Junior member

I have had a modest sum (£5k) in my ISA for circa 24 months. This year I'll be adding the full £10680 allowance and adding a further £10k to a regular dealing account giving me a total of circa £20k to invest.

I've done my research on the equities I'm looking to invest in but my concern is whether it is wise to invest before there has been a definitive resolution to the Greek debt situation.

Is it considered a given that Greece will default and therefore send the markets tumbling within a few weeks or months? If so I will obviously hold on. It appears that all the political commentators and market analysts in the media suggest this is the case.

I'm rather confused 😕

Any contribution appreciated.

I believe there has already been a credit event in Greece and the CDS situation was at least somewhat resolved:

Greek CDS drama holds lessons for investors -

2nd UPDATE: Payouts On Greek CDS Will Be 78.5 Cents On Dollar, Or $2.5B -

UPDATE 3-Greek debt insurance payout highlights investor gloom | Reuters

I found those just by doing a search for "Greek CDS" in google. I think the only thing considered a given in these markets is listening to market commentators will separate you from your capital.
I wouldnt buy into equities right now personally.
But I;ve been saying that for three years !! So what
do I know.!!
As far as Greece the EU etc.. someday its gonna tumble down but
the politicians will keep it going as long as they can.
If the countries start getting bankrupt, what will happen to the world?

There are two sides to the equation, for every debtor there is a creditor. Basically, the wealth is moving more and more towards the productive countries of the world and that should be your guide when investing.

I have had a modest sum (£5k) in my ISA for circa 24 months. This year I'll be adding the full £10680 allowance and adding a further £10k to a regular dealing account giving me a total of circa £20k to invest.

I've done my research on the equities I'm looking to invest in but my concern is whether it is wise to invest before there has been a definitive resolution to the Greek debt situation.

Is it considered a given that Greece will default and therefore send the markets tumbling within a few weeks or months? If so I will obviously hold on. It appears that all the political commentators and market analysts in the media suggest this is the case.

I'm rather confused 😕

Any contribution appreciated.


Forget stocks, with 20K, do some homework on antiques investing, antique jewels, or antique stamps, you will find much better discounts to buy these items at this time, and have a secure price floor, that your investment will never fall through. On the upside , earning potential is 7% a year minimum, and if you work harder, it can be as high as you want it to be.

If you do want to invest in stocks, consider oil and commodity stocks first, and use some valuation tools to filter out most probable bubble stocks, one such tool
is available at

As ridiculous as it may sound, the antique stamp market is much safer than stocks, all those people that lost their money in the bubble crash, would not have done so, had they invested in those 'little pieces of paper' , and demand is always strong
Buy 1st and 2nd class stamps from Royal Mail now, I hear prices are going to soar! 👍