The reality is that his application will be vetted by HR so he only needs some resonable arguments to show he has done his homework. Plenty of information online about the current state of investment banking. Just keep to the general points don't get specific and be able to argue intelligently around those points. They are not offering him/her Akermanns job.
Deutsche's reputation has never been higher. In dubbing it “Bank of the Year 2003”, International Financing Review, the capital markets' favourite newssheet, purred that Deutsche was a “lean, aggressive, focused universal bank”. In the league tables that investment banks watch so keenly, Deutsche excelled last year as lead manager of bonds and convertible bonds and of some racier products, such as repackaged debt securities and high-yield “junk” bonds. In other disciplines it rarely fell below the top ten in the world.
However, it is still nowhere near the top in equity offerings and advice on mergers and acquisitions, except in Germany. It still has a problem with costs, which were a fat 82% of income in the third quarter of 2003, thanks mainly to the thick pay packets of its investment bankers and its poor returns from corporate and retail banking.
That took all of 30 seconds.