Investing in foreign property

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I would like to buy a property abroad for around 70k and was wondering where the best place is for year round rental return and with prices still cheap enough to buy a two bed apartment around this price. Anybody any suggestions. I am thinking of , Gulf Coast in the States or maybe one of the canary islands, Cyprus etc. Any advice as to best returns etc would be appreciated.

I should stress I am not talking from direct experience, but have you thought of Bulgaria or Croatia. Both countries are on the up and up and will no doubt benefit from the widening euopean union, but property is still cheap. Remember, Yugoslavia was a top toursit destination before the war. That sort of money should buy something a bit more substantial, so as a bit of a punt you could also see some decent capital growth as well. Just food for thought.......
Tax Lien

ANyone know anything about these?
Apparently a good 🙂rolleyes: ) way to invest ?
Have you thought about Basra? Year round sunshine. And with the weak dinar

For 70G, you could easily pick up a few bargain properties that need a makeover and there be plenty of foreign contractors to let them out to. There's definitely money to be made so as long as keep your head while others around you are losing theirs.
I hear that there’s a nice pad going cheap in Mosul vacated by the Hussein brothers last year – a few pock marks in the walls to attend to, but when Iraq calms down, it’s certain to be a tourist attraction……

And there’s the weak dinar of course, but that could strengthen in time............ (sometime…....!)

edit - as Gordon say's, it's important to keep your head on any dealings in Iraq.......... 😕


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