Investing for a Bank Holiday/USDollar Devaluation


Well-known member
Share your strategies for investing in the event of a Bank Holiday or Dollar Devaluation. If you knew 2 months in advance what would you do?
Share your strategies for investing in the event of a Bank Holiday or Dollar Devaluation. If you knew 2 months in advance what would you do?

>>>>>> If you knew 2 months in advance what would you do? >>>>>>


There is NOBODY at T2W who can see further than 2 bars on a 3-minute chart and even then 95% of them lose.

2 months for such cats is several lifetimes.

Bulletin Boards continue to be a bottomless bearmarket for the dead one. :):D:)
The people who are going to thrive have been preparing for the last few years. Add to this photo some food, silver, gold and you should just barely make it ;)

Mad Max 2 Intro - YouTube


  • GUNSAFE.jpg
    34.3 KB · Views: 508
Heck I'll even settle for a good web page that a member here saw on the subject. There are a lot of Doomsayers out there and it's hard to figure out who is trustworthy.
I have the Gold/Silver covered already and I'm in that for the long haul. Though the short-term hurt now is not easy to take. I don't have a gun safe like that one in the picture. I hope it doesn't get that bad. I could get some food storage going though. For nothing else but to buy bulk and save in the ever increasing prices.
I have the Gold/Silver covered already and I'm in that for the long haul. Though the short-term hurt now is not easy to take. I don't have a gun safe like that one in the picture. I hope it doesn't get that bad. I could get some food storage going though. For nothing else but to buy bulk and save in the ever increasing prices.

I always believe the the precious metals like the Gold are a safe bet and we should deal in them so that we are able to ride the tough times and get the long term capital appreciation.
I have a few ETF's right now, like EUO and FAZ to take advantage of shorting the Euro and Financial Companies. That said, I'm probably getting out of those soon as well as the few stocks I have left. Just to wait it for a bit.