Intraday trade setups book recommendations


Active member
Hi guys
I'm looking for a decent book/s for day trading.. futures for now. I've been to the bookstores and had a look at the ones on offer.. there are loads which are great for those starting out.. starting with an intro on what is daytrading, some history, then about brokers and feeds etc. You usually find that most if not all of the book is about that... but what I'm looking for something which actually discuss the trading setups that people use with examples... anyone have any recommendations?
I've ordered a futures trading book by Bo Yoder as that looked good. Also, High Prob Trading by Link looked good. Any others?
Hey LevII,
You have a good memory.. yes, I went on a 1-2-1 with Mr Charts and he gave me some setups to go with intraday stocks. Some work pretty well with the futures also but I was interested to know if there are any other plays which people use.
Good luck in your search.

Have you read Street Smarts? You may find it helpful
bottomdollar said:
What do people think of the Pristine micro-trading seminars?

The micro trading CD is better, in my opinion, than the intra day CD. You may be looking at both as the names are similar.

I quite like the Pristine CDs and their general methodology, but I am not so sure about value for money.