Intraday or monthly


Experienced member
My broker offers a 3 point spread on the DOW for rolling daily trades and an 8point spread for quarterly.
I'm mainly doing intraday trading but I like to allow some to run. Would do you think would be better for the indices? This spread is DOW but similar for FTSE I imagine (FTSE is 2 for intraday,3 for a September open trade).
Is their a rough guide as to the number of days it would remain open for when it might be worth going for the longer but larger spread without overnight financing?
3 points? Geta futures broker and trade the YM future.

3 points is - ridiculous 😉 I pay one point fee for a round turn - not even.
3 points? Geta futures broker and trade the YM future.

3 points is - ridiculous 😉 I pay one point fee for a round turn - not even.

Well, it's 2 for FTSE and it's spread betting so that may be why. I don't really get the futures market 🙂
Then learn it. Not being able to use all financial instruments at your disposal is.... not going to make you look good.

Speread Betting, naturally, is build on top of other instruments (in this case futures). The betting company has to go to the market, and earn some money on top. Hence.... bad pricing for you.