Intra-day High Volume Trading-Which markets?

High Risk

Junior member

I registered because I'm interested in finding out which markets around the world can take large trades intra-day.

The market I play with at the moment can take scalp/short term trades of 50-100k US$ with no or 1 tick slippage. Anything over that is impossible except at the most boring times.

I'd like to know which markets can take 200k - 5mill US$ with same minimal slippage? Also, with good volatility. I'm guessing S & P, Nikkei, Dow. Any others?

Also, am interested in forex, commodities, or other-I recall from Market Wizards that some traders could take large scalp positions. Can't find that book right now.

Please reply with estimates of the volume in $$ that can be flipped through at or near market.

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For futures, EUR on Globex, ESTOX50, GBM, GBL on Eurex and the Kospi are very liquid.
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The Eurex Bund and Bobl will regularly have thousands if not tens of thousands of contracts on the bid/ask, as will Euribor, Short Sterling and Eurodollar. US Bonds and Notes are also uber deep, as are the emini S&P's - you could pretty much sink all you could eat on one price in these markets.

The Bund is probably the most volatile of them all. €10 tick size, contract face value of €100k, times say 2000 cts = €200,000,000 worth of size. Big enough?
Thanks. I'll check some of these markets out for intraday movement. The one I do now is giving good range, but moves very quickly.

EDIT: no, I'm not doing 100k in contracts yet, just asking. Can get funding if I was good enough. You're right with the Faldo quip, hehe. :cheesy:

Just interested to see which markets let a day-trader scale large. I've been very focused on studying 1 small market, so don't know enough about the others-and don't hang out on boards like these enough.

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Thanks for the replies, hope more can add helpful views.

I found many useful sites. Here are three:

Top 20 Exchange-Traded Derivates Contracts Worldwide
(In millions of contracts traded)​

tsuntzu said:
100k US$?? you mean underlying, or is that the tick size your doing. If the answer is face value, then do some 2 lots in the bund. If the answer is that its the tick size you trade, then personally I would be embarrassed to ask that question myself, given the array of markets that you should have knowledge of. It would be, in my opinion like Nick Faldo asking me if I knew a good golf course. :LOL:

I just want to reply to this post, and get more from the thread (which is potentially a very useful subject).

Your post is a little rude and off topic. I didn't ask you to be condescending, I asked for information. I'm sure you could give more info than you posted. Cheers.

Now, back to the topic. I really do want to know what volume a trader can push through on different markets-talking contract size and position value..

e.g Bund, given it is 700 Euro for dtrade IM, 5000# would be 3.5 mill Euro. Could the market take that at crucial points? What size can the Bund take?

Nikkei? I assume Nikkei could take 2-500# without too much slippage.

S & P? I heard ES is not that liquid...


Currencies? Which market have good ranges of movement and good liquidity?

Many thanks.
tsuntzu said:
Yes I guess it was condescending, apologies. I just wonder what coming on a bulletin board and asking what markets can take a 5000 lot clip says about you as an individual? Come on surely your not that much out of touch with reality. If your a high net worth individual looking to trade that size give Goldman Sachs a ring, I know they will be more than happy to help you out.

I always try my best to help out on here but you know some questions just dont add up.


I have a few years of experience on one market, and am scaling back into it after a break doing other things. I have backing for large size (>100kUS$) if I do well....etc etc...and I am good.

I don't really want to talk about myself on the public forum more than that, was curious to find out where I can make the most money. I can ask others not online, but was just poking around online. This question is one I haven't been able to find easy answers to.

Thanks to your apology, and no offense taken or intended. Just being direct. (although, what it says about me as an individual????... I wouldn't want to judge someone simply because of a request on the internet. Making judgements about others is fraught, so take care to be correct...anyway, I feel I have good qualities, and aware of reality just as much as most others.)

I will make a judgement about this board if I don't get genuine help. :cheesy:
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Current market depth on ESTX50 attached. I should think it would be more than enough, several times over. Kospi futures and options are very liquid. I'll post market depth tomorrow when its open. More volume than nikkie. ES is VERY liquid.


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dcraig1 said:
Current market depth on ESTX50 attached. I should think it would be more than enough, several times over. Kospi futures and options are very liquid. I'll post market depth tomorrow when its open. More volume than nikkie. ES is VERY liquid.

Thanks for your reply. That's the kind of thing I was curious about. Look forward to seeing more-Kospi. If anyone could show the Bund or SGX that would be great. Currencies/other?

Nikkei? I used SGX website today to see the type of volume going through evey minute-2-300# is obviously common. I suppose the liquidity in Japan is much higher, though.

Hi Tsuntu: No, I was just curious about the 5mill size..I am confident of good returns in my market, want to find large markets I can scale up steadily....(don't worry, I am fully aware of risk concepts, smart use of stops, choosing correct entries on dying momentum, getting out fast (so need good liquidity)) etc. If I find those markets I can study if they fit my concepts and plan more. So, 100k or 5 million, a day-trader always follows the same IM rules....not 100k to trade 3000 #. No broker would allow that suicidal stupidty.

Edit: I just checked my POEMS system, and it has most of these markets. I seem to have ignored the screen to select other markets (and didn't know I could use my system to see all of these-thought would have to pay a fee) since I was focused on mine. THe Bund moves nicely, volume is lower than I expected, Euribor has large volume. Dax volume seems too small, but it's late in the day. I'll talk to my broker for more source? Reuters best? Lots to learn.
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dcraig1 said:
Kospi closed today.

Thanks. That's great.

I made a screen shot of those markets once I searched more, and will do the same for the European and US markets. You can see that trading the Osaka Exchange for Japan has liquidity of 200-500 contracts, but wide ticks of 10 points...while in Singapore the same index, but SGX contract is 5 pint ticks but lower volume.

I'd like to know more about the Kospi.

I am also curious about Bovespa. Good movement. Is it possible to trade large accounts there...liquidity?


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SGXNK has quite low margin requirement, around $2k USD intraday. Kospi aptions apparently are very popular for day trading. Very small bid/ask spread, very liquid. Basically they trade like a future.


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Thanks again dcraig1. I'm sure there's more to this topic. Here's an image I took of the Euro markets:


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I watched Nikkei (Osaka) today, and liquidity suported 400 # for scalping, and up to 2000# for the short term trade-a short, then a buy....700 points movement. Massive.

Here's another chart I got at ET. Good discussion going there on this topic. I watched the Bund, and heaps of liquidity, but very difficult. Good trending market, though.


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