IntelliTrend250 - how about investment club?


Junior member
I've been looking through the 3 threads that mention IntelliTrend

INTELLITREND250 anyone know anything about it?

intellitrend250 query

Cost of spread betting

and everybody seems concerned that they're going to be taken for a sucker, especially as the cost to purchase is rather high at £5k.

The impression I get from the blurb about this product is:
"why not risk a "throw-away" £2000 for the possibility of fat returns a few years down the road - its easy and only takes a few moments each evening, so why not go for it?"

I can see that this would be attractive to someone who has not formulated their own investment strategy, and for those who would like a guided approach to spread-betting.

However, the purchase price of £5k seems high, even with a £500 free deposit in your spread-betting account - after all, you have already supplied that £500, if we make the true purchase price £4500!

If we form an investment club, we can fix all these problems.

I was thinking along these lines:
£50 annual membership fee; and then £20 "investment" packets can be deposited.

So with 100 members, we've got the £5k to purchase, and the £2k for the initial investment.

Any body interested, and prepared to use a minimum of £70?

If you are, please send me an e-mail by clicking on "ukoptions" at top-left of this posting, and then select "Send an e-mail". Please also say what you'd like to do if we don't get 100 initial members.

The only potential problem I can see is if our pot stands at, say, £12k and we make an appropriately large bet given the size of the pot, and then the market (or this particular share) moves catastrophically against us.

I know from cfd trading that you can have a guaranteed stop on a restricted range of instruments as long as you pay a higher charge - it will be interesting to see if this clobbers the profit. But I guess as we're only risking £20, we shouldn't be too upset!

I welcome old hands at spread-betting to comment on this; and any other obstacles that they can forsee for this venture.

Other observations on the posted IntelliTrend results:

1) the size of the bet moves up with the size of the pot, so trading scales with previous success;

2) Its a bit of a roller-coaster - I seem to remember that the size of the pot went to £14k, and then, through a series of subsequent losing trades, the pot went to £7k. If those sorts of losses are going to make you cry, then this is not for you. Although with only £20 invested, I guess you wouldn't get too upset.

3) On occasions, they've got the direction of the move correct, but the cost of the spread-bet exceeded the profit generated from the small share price move, so although they got it right, you still took a loss.

4) We haven't seen how it performs in a falling market - spread-betting allows us to profit from down-bets in such a scenario, but so far we don't have any results in anything other than a rising market.

5) On the telephone, they do sound earnest, professional and convincing. They do sound like good guys.

Kind regards,