Infinity Futures



Looking to open a futures trading account (daytrader) and checking futures brokers, and was hoping to get a little background info from actual users on this.

They've been pretty helpful so far, came back straight away with demo platform and answered my questions. Sierra Charts seems to be pretty powerful, which is free when you sign up.


1) As an Australian based-trader, what security do I have when transferring my cash to this entity in the US?

2) Has anyone had any negative feedback?

3) How competitive can you get the Round trip rates down to, if initially clipping 800-1000 per month?

Thanks all for your input on this

Also - I noticed Sierra Charts comes with access to TPO, I havent got it working so far but is this the same as CQG's Market Profile?


Hi Oz,
1) Can't help, sorry.
2) No negative feedback about them at all - either through personal experience or reading about the experiences of other clients.
3) You'll have to negotiate directly with them on that. I found them to be very competitive - although I might have been able to do very slightly better elsewhere - but that would have meant foregoing the fantastic (instant) service that I really value. See more comments here.

Have you opened your account with them already? I am looking into doing it soon. I have been on their InfinityAT platform demo for several weeks now and I really like it. Also as Timsk said customer service seems to be very professional and helpful.

Yesterday I have been googling about this company to find out as much as i can about them before handling in my money into their hands and there is a lot of good comments, found several bad ones and also I have found something which actually made me a bit uncertain now, please have a look at the this PDF file.

Please if anyone IS USING them share with us your experience with them
They were pretty helpful and responsive, but were charging more than global futures - so went with global instead

May go to Infinity in 6 months if Global dont work out...good luck Thrawn

Thanks, for your info, I have just applied with infinity. Will see how it will work out.

It's an old thread, I know, but I felt a quick update is warranted.

One of the acid tests of a good broker is the level of customer service one receives - especially when one's in trouble. My connection to Infinity's server went down mid trade today. I wasn't too worried in as much as stops were placed automatically when the trade was executed. Even so, it's uncomfortable watching the market do it's thing and not being able to do anything about it. In the past, I'd have had to phone my broker, eventually get through to a real person after pressing 1 for this and 2 for that etc., then I'd go through all the security checks: mother's maiden name, blood group and gawd knows what else. And then, after about 10 minutes, I'd actually get to explain my problem and, hopefully, get the problem fixed. Of course, all this assumes that my wife wasn't on the phone at the start of the whole procedure. So, is Infinity any different?

You bet they are. I have my own broker, the same chap that I've dealt with since day 1 when I sent my very 1st e-mail enquiring about their commissions. I chat to him on Skype from time to time and he's always quick to respond, courteous and friendly. Today was different though, I needed help and I needed it quick. Below is a screen grab of the brief IM chat I had with him. This was the first time I've spoken to him in months. Inside 2 minutes, my problem is solved . . .


Good or what! It's tough to see how anyone could improve on that; absolutely awesome service.