industry and sector data provider?


Junior member
Hi I would like to know if there is a data provider that give industry and sector data to allow a relative strength comparison ie to identify the strongest parts of the market eg DJ Nadaq and world indexes. Does anyone know who does this?
Industry and sector data needed for software development

botelho64 said:
Hi I would like to know if there is a data provider that give industry and sector data to allow a relative strength comparison ie to identify the strongest parts of the market eg DJ Nadaq and world indexes. Does anyone know who does this?
I am developing web software. I have data for industry and sector for Oz from a broker. But i am looking for this for UK and USA. Preferably in CSV form. Any ideas?

see for an example that uses industry and sector data (read the disclaimer)

maxwellreid said:
I am developing web software. I have data for industry and sector for Oz from a broker. But i am looking for this for UK and USA. Preferably in CSV form. Any ideas?

see for an example that uses industry and sector data (read the disclaimer)


For US stocks, you could get it from

and sreeen scrape by walking the tree of html links.

Yahoo UK also have sector and industry data, but I think the page formats are not the same as the US ones.

I also seem to recall that Dow Jones web site somewhere has all the DJ sector/industry indices with details of their calculation and I think Excel spreadsheets containing the constituents for each index. Might have been for European indices - I can't remember.
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dcraig1 said:
For US stocks, you could get it from

and sreeen scrape by walking the tree of html links.

Yahoo UK also have sector and industry data, but I think the page formats are not the same as the US ones.

I also seem to recall that Dow Jones web site somewhere has all the DJ sector/industry indices with details of their calculation and I think Excel spreadsheets containing the constituents for each index. Might have been for European indices - I can't remember.

thanx Dcraig1, i will look at it. u are from Brisbane as well?
If you are looking for index and sector relative strength only, you may find the PerfCharts option at worth your while.
If you are willing to consider a paid data service, Premium Data has US and Australian stock data in Metastock format organised into exchanges. All of the data is also able to be put into custom folders. These custom folders contain the sectors/industries from multiple classification systems (S&P/MSCI GICS, Dow Jones/FTSE ICB). See:

These custom folders are generated by tex tfiles containing each of the constituent stocks for that folder, and the lists are automatically updated too.
