This might seem like a stupied question but really wanna know if i got it right. The traded indices are futures of an underlying basket of stocks. So the price of a indices should be based on the sum of the indivudal stocks in the basket. But since the futures is traded free doesnt that mean that sometimes there will be diffrencies in the price of a indice and its underlying stock basket? Or is that taken away by arbitrage trading? If so? How big is that industry, buying the basket and selling the indice or reverse? I presume that its nothing for retail traders becuse of the competion against the banks are too hard. Is that right? 🙂
This might seem like a stupied question but really wanna know if i got it right. The traded indices are futures of an underlying basket of stocks. So the price of a indices should be based on the sum of the indivudal stocks in the basket. But since the futures is traded free doesnt that mean that sometimes there will be diffrencies in the price of a indice and its underlying stock basket? Or is that taken away by arbitrage trading? If so? How big is that industry, buying the basket and selling the indice or reverse? I presume that its nothing for retail traders becuse of the competion against the banks are too hard. Is that right? 🙂