Car Key Boi
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"hey sexy babe, whatcha doin' after the rally? wanna go to Starbucks for a latte? and how do yuo like my vietnam peasant hat, Bush swastika t-shirt and my chic Palestinian scarf belt? pretty cool, huh?"

"ahh this brings me back to those Vietnam rallys. Those were the days my friend, we thought they never would end"

t-shirts like these ones always do a roaring trade at these kind of demos. Note, on the maps of these t-shirts, Israel doesn't exist. It's Palestine all the way from the river to the sea. This is White Liberal America's answer (or should that be "final solution"?) to the Israel/Palestine problem

more Typical White Libtard Behavior

lets see. Michael Moran and his followers preach that Bush is a puppet for the Saudis, this guy and thousands like him think that Bush is a puppet for the Israelis, and the remainder of the libtards think that Bush is a puppet for the far-right Christian wackos. Typical white liberal behavoir, they can't even co-ordinate their Bush bashing

remarkable banner from the gay rights movement (who always show up in large numbers at these kind of demos, especially the San Fran one) The thing is, I don't think there's a single country in the Middle-East that would permit a gay pride parade. Oh wait a second! yes there is one. Israel
Hmm......lets see....
gay rights and equal rights for wimmin are cornerstones of Libtard idealism. Check
Israel is the only country in the Middle-East that permits gay pride parades. Check
Israel is the only country in the Middle-East that allows wimmin to drive a car. Check
Israel is the only country in the Middle-East where wimmin are allowed to have a career, earn madd loot, and retain control of said madd loot. Check
Israel is the only country in the Middle-East where wimmin can file for divorce on their own accord. Check
Israel is the only country in the Middle-East where a wife can file a complaint with the cops for domestic abuse, and actually have the cops do something about the complaint. Check

yes, that sign really was being held by a Typical White American Libtard

yes, that sign really was and so on

White Liberals sure do have a passion for swastikas

dude is whispering to his gurlfriend "honey, i'm....errr......having second thoughts about our banner.....i mean.... this is supposed to be an anti-war rally, right?"