In The Beginning


How to order? What type of order? Are types of orders for types of market? Could i get someone to give me an example entry and exit, something i could practice? Ive read types of orders and now i am really lost, i keep getting side tracked by the other billion pieces to this puzzle. I would really like to get started playing with this practice account and have some kinda idea on what the heck i am doing. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah yea that would be nice. 😆
What account are you using? Then maybe some one could direct you in the right direction.
OOoh hay thanks for looking this way, Forex 360 is the practice account ive opened, and i think ive figured out Limit order and Stop order, and the parental. I havent used the market order yet, lol. Ooooh and a Limit order you use when your buying or the market is going up, i think, and the stop order when the market is going down, ya sell right, i think, lots to learn.