in need of some advice


Junior member
Hi All,

I have been offered an interview for a day trader position by a company called Tricity Partners (TricityPartners - Home) They are based in Vienna and from what I gather operate a trading floor for Swifttrade Inc. The position they have offered is purely based on Commision. What would this job entail? I have no previous trading experience and am based in the UK. I really want to get in to stockbrokerage, but as i foolishly decided against going to university it appears in London a lot of doors are now closed. Can anyone shed any light on this? I may be being over-cautious but something doesn't seem great about this offer.

Alternatively does anyone know of any London based schemes for non-graduates as a route in to stock brokerage? I am part qualified as an accountant and now realised this is not the career for me!

Stockbroker and trader are two very different jobs. From the sound of things, Tricity is a trading arcade - if I were you, I'd go through some of the threads on this forum, and the tading arcades forum until you figure out what you want.
Cheers, just had a look over there. Just need some advice of where to start out, Im not interested in this whole "buy! sell!buy sell..." image. I just feel that a career in trading preferably would best suit my abilities. FGinding where to start out is difficult though.

thanks again
have a look around you say you want to a career in trading well your next stop is to maybe broaden on that. For example do you want to trade at an arcade or a firm or an investment bank or hedge fund and do you to be on the buy and sell side of just purely execution only or do you want to trade using algorithms. Thats just a few examples just have a look around and maybe try and pin point what sort of direction in trading you want to take.

Good Luck
i would prefer to start at a firm, as I will obviously need training at first and also lack the capital to back myself in an arcade. I was hoping there would be a route where I could perhaps starts as anassistant say, and then find my area of specialisation from there.(wishful thinking I know) Are there any schemes out there such as this?

as far as i know alot of traders assistant roles are at big funds or investment banks which will normally require you to haave a degree minimum. A lot of the arcades are offering schemes where they train you up but they dont offer a salary you get a split of what you make.
thanks for your help Crude lover.

just a quick question, in a typical arcade scheme as you mentioned, would 20,000gbp be acheivable?

do you mean 20,000 per year after costs and there cut if so then yes that is achievable but then again people say your lucky in your first year if you come out even it depends all on yourself i know people that went in first year and turned over 7 figure salaries of course on the other end of the spectrum i know people that went in and blew there account in the first few months.
Its hard to say whether a certain amount is achievable as it depends on the individual
would you consider it worth risking and going to Vienna to setup though? By the looks of things I could find an identical offer in london after browsing this forum....😕