Same here. And I do ok thank you very much. I also believe that if you have acquired the basic skills and techniques you can put them to any market albeit more or less successfully. I suspect its a bit like flying a plane or driving a car (on a simpler level): you know how to do it but even if you're an experienced 747 pilot you can't just jump into an A300 without familiarising yourself with the different way its systems work and its different aerodynamic / airframe limits etc.
I do stocks because it's no hassle for me & fits my lifestyle. I'll probably take up forex or indices in the future..... when i get round to it........but i have other interests in life and stocks give me all i need.....why rock the boat?
I often wonder why so many beginners seem to go for currencies - is it suitable? Don't 90% fail (common folklore). Is it the route to fame, everlasting wealth and satisfaction? I'd be interested to hear the experts' opinion on this. Where should a beginner start?
Anyway, you're not alone; stocks is good 🙂
PS. I started with stocks a long time ago when I hadn't even heard of forex - maybe i was just brought up badly!