IG Orders delay?


Established member
just been experimenting with setting orders at levels with ig. they seem to take forever for confirmation and then say they cannot confirm they have been done and must check the orders to open box. is this usual? or is it just today?
I opened a trade on IG this morning - never came back with the confirmation.
I'm in process of sending them a letter of complaint. Occasionally during fast markets the order will be put through but not on your screen. It only appears on the screen once it has traded through the price the 2nd time, dangerous stuff.
Long time since I used them but up to 10 minutes for confirmations was not unusual.
Advice: Politely let them know that if what you say continues, you'll be taking your business elsewhere. Then, give them a chance which if they don't learn from - be very sure to keep to your word!

(ditto re gc1: long time since I use them too, and all the happier for it.)
who would you recommend instead of IG?
Have a look at Dealingdesk. One of the most interesting and fastest platforms around. They have tight spread and excellent execution. I think they have a very good thing going if they can keep up the good service over a longer period of time.
IG are rubbish. You won't get filled in a fast market. Instead you will get a lot of message 'Sorry - Price no longer valid'

You have more chance of getting a fill with Capital Spreads and WorldSpreads. That says it all.
Oh dear stay AWAY from WorldSpreads! We used to trade with them but had so many problems. They seem to run a trading desk with just a couple of guys. IG can have issues sometimes but they are by far the biggest spreadbetting firm with probably the most liquidity. Another decent one is iii although their platform can be a bit slow at times.

P.S. the biggest flaw of the WordSpreads platform is that you can not close your trades overnight as they do not provide quotes or let you trade in the after hours market.
who would you recommend instead of IG?

not for the small spread better but ProSpreads are very good, platform is a little more for the experienced trader but spreads,no re quotes and instant fills are worth it.
Direct Market Access with fixed spreads.