IG Markets/Index Bonus Codes - Get Up To 60% OFF ALL COMMISSIONS


We are a non profit website that offers bonus codes for IG.

Our main bonus offers up to 60% off on all commissions. This is fully working and currently been used by over 1000 people across the EU.

Installation of this bonus is quick and easy, it requires no changes to the end users trading experience and IG's great world class service. Your application will be passed to a fully regulated & partnered brokerage of IG who operates a corporate level net commission split under IG. The partner is paid a percentage share of the commissions for referring the you to IG, who then in turn rebates them to back to you. Funds are paid back automatically at the end of each month.

Commission reductions start at 25% up to 60% depending on your size and number of trades.

To apply visit http://igmarketsbonuscodes.com and follow the links.

Kind Regards.
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