IG Index Not Available?

Trendy Trader

Junior member
This is what I see on IG Index when I try to log in.

Not Available
We are sorry, but this platform is currently unavailable. We are working to correct this as soon as possible. In the meantime, please call us on +44 (0)20 7896 0000 to deal by telephone.
Anyone else got this problem? I have two trades open 😡
Yes not only that problem i have sometimes, when its busy, but also when the market seems to fall heavily or rise heavily they dont seem to let me put my order in , this occurs at 9pm for the dow! Not fair, but then again retail sb isnt meant to be
what happened?:?:
Not sure. I was just watching my trades and then went to close one of them and got that message. I refreshed the page and was then logged out, tried logging back in and was unable to, just a page with that message on it. Sorted itself out after a few minutes though so no big deal, coulda been worse.