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You are now chatting with 'Global_Forex-9'
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Global_Forex-9: hello again
john: My chat was interrupted
Global_Forex-9: im sorry for not answering your last question
Global_Forex-9: my system stalled for a moment
john: i see
john: lets say i put on a trade and
john: I lose $100
Global_Forex-9: ok
john: then
john: I put on another trade and
john: and I win $50
john: what is my balance?
Global_Forex-9: when you start you start at zero......so if you loose $100 it will still be at zero and if you make $50 it will show a positive balance of $50
Global_Forex-9: you can trade as much as you want
john: so if I lose 50 times $100 and
john: win 3 times $100
john: I will get $300 minus my deposit?
Global_Forex-9: yes
john: where are you based?
Global_Forex-9: in switzerland...but we have offices in greece, romania, turkey, china, japan, barcelona and italy
john: who regulates you?
john: u there?
Global_Forex-9: we are regulated in the british virgin islands
john: do you realise that everybody will win?
Global_Forex-9: and awaiting our regulation in the EU
Global_Forex-9: you can try for yourself and see
Global_Forex-9: hopefully you will make some good profits 🙂
john: I am gauranteed to win
john: see what I mean?
Global_Forex-9: we have bonuses this week. if you deposit $200 i can give you a bonus of $75
Global_Forex-9: and on a deposit of $300 i can give you $90
Global_Forex-9: you can also deposit in GBP by the way
john: listen, I find it hard to believe
Global_Forex-9: like i said....try it for yourself
john: what is the benefit to you?
Global_Forex-9: deposit 50 GBP
Global_Forex-9: and trade for 2 weeks
Global_Forex-9: our benefit is your premium...we take the 50 GBP...or whatever you deposit
john: but
john: you will pay me much more
john: you will go broke
Global_Forex-9: sir, if you want to try it then register
Global_Forex-9: any other questions i can help you with
john: do you see what my problem is?
Global_Forex-9: no sir i do not....if you want to try it then try it and trade for 2 week
Global_Forex-9: see how much you can make
john: you open 24 hours a day?
Global_Forex-9: there is also a chance you will walk away with $5
Global_Forex-9: the market is closed on saturday and sunday
Global_Forex-9: therefore we are only open monday through friday
john: 24 hours?
Global_Forex-9: 24 hours 5 days a week yes
john: There is no chance I will walk away with $5, is there?
Global_Forex-9: there is a 50/50 chance
Global_Forex-9: as with everything else
john: no
Global_Forex-9: there are people that walk away with alot and there are people that walk away with nothing
john: Imagine I trade 50 times a day
john: I win 25 times and lose 25 times
john: the losses are covered by you
john: and I take all the wins
john: lets say the wins are $20 each
john: I win $500 a day
john: Is that right?
Global_Forex-9: like i said, try it for yourself
john: I mean how is that a 50:50 chance?
john: hello