I heard about this site from someone else on this board a while ago and signed up. I thought I would give it a mention again as I think that it is an excellent free and useful resource.
Sign up for free on the home page and they will send you an article every day relating to the mind set and emotions of a trader. As the title of this thread states, if you think this is important - some people do others don't - then you may want to sign up for free.
And no, I don't have anything to do with this site. I wish I did considering the people that write the articles though 🙂
Sign up for free on the home page and they will send you an article every day relating to the mind set and emotions of a trader. As the title of this thread states, if you think this is important - some people do others don't - then you may want to sign up for free.
And no, I don't have anything to do with this site. I wish I did considering the people that write the articles though 🙂