if you needed investmest for a good system

  • Thread starter Thread starter maq
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hi all

over the months i have managed to learn quite alot on forms such as this FF and babypips i have learnt a good system that am hoping i can get some advice on seeking investment for

some people have the funds and no system well i have the system and little funds
where i learnt this other people have backtested for 2 years + with very good feedback i have backtested myself to date 3 month + 2 months paper trade = 5 month

with a 80% strike rate and 1-2 trades per week
here is an example of trading results for 5 month lets say 50k fund ( only using this figure for ease to explain ) 2.5% - 3% risk on trade

50000 aug 4570 4 weeks 9%
50000 july 2560 4 weeks 5%
50000 june 4990 5 weeks 10%
50000 may -50 3 weeks 0%
50000 april 1620 4 weeks 3%

again for ease of explaining the above on one trade i have a s/l of 130 pips @ £10 a pip and your gain would be 13.690

their are some people that use this system as their income

all advice and comments are welcome please
Having a good system but no money is an oxymoron.


Seriously, just kidding with the pic there, but do the math and you'll see.

Compounding Calculator

Just substitute years with days in your mind, and you'll be astounded to see what an average 10 or 20 % per month turns into on a compounding basis.
fair comment gents

look out on monday i will put up my trade in real time once it has been triggered for the month of september (every monday only ) hopefully its a good month
Wouldn't trust any system with just backtesting. Forward test for a year to 2 years with real money then go looking for investment. Mind you, there's always a fool for whom money is easily parted.

I agree with shadowninja. maq- you would not believe how many 'systems' I had in my career. I remember that once I was even about to quit my job and take a money credit from bank o trade it! Jesus - how much I am grateful I did not get that credit! 😎

Be careful. Many systems look good during testing and that 'something' happens and it does not work that good.

Good luck!
disi thank you for your advice this coming week onwards i'ii trade this with real money with cmc but for the amont of funds am going to put in proper money management is going out of the window my choice

I agree with shadowninja. maq- you would not believe how many 'systems' I had in my career. I remember that once I was even about to quit my job and take a money credit from bank o trade it! Jesus - how much I am grateful I did not get that credit! 😎

Be careful. Many systems look good during testing and that 'something' happens and it does not work that good.

Good luck!
this game isnt about winning, its about how many losses you can take and keep moving forward! thats how winning is done! - Rocky Balboa

so wheres your worst stop/drawdown, and when its the time you willing to trade again?
disi thank you for your advice this coming week onwards i'ii trade this with real money with cmc but for the amont of funds am going to put in proper money management is going out of the window my choice

Dude if it's a forex system, you might want to switch to a forex broker that allows you to trade 0.01 lots and trade pennies per pip to keep the money management side intact. My broker allows that and I know of some others too.
Backtesting and paper-trading mean diddly squat. If you have a consistent record over maybe 2 years of making real money you might be able to raise some interest from a few intrepid fools.