IBFX: easy performance with auto trading buru


Hey folks,

Strange, no search entries for "buru". So I've to be the first one 🙂

I read an article about IBFX with their new software buru on FXStreet.
And yes I had to give a try 🙂 Because they published some nice stats on http://www.mt4i.com/users/burutrader/stats and they seem to perform well for my style.

My experience so far:
I downloaded the demo version to get an overview about the tool and to check the return. Actually, buru really trades automatically. Was kind of interesting to see how it works.
The 1st time using it, I wanted to set up some indicators in the setup and do more, but there is nothing to do, you just let the tool doing what it does best - trading 🙂
I've never used an auto trader for 100%, I used to take some mq4-files for different strategies and still do some work by myself.

To sum up, I'm surprised how smooth it works and that I'm still in the money 🙂 And yes yes I still analyse the markets 🙂

Hope this trend will stand in the future and I'll keep using it for a long-term side income!

What are your experiences? Who has some advices for me? How do autotrader perform long-term? Can I trust those tools and technical analysis?

