IB demo system prices


Well-known member
I know IBs prices on the "demo" are delayed what I'd like to know is if they appear to be smoothed or don't receive as many ticks etc. as the live prices.

I'm aware that the best way to test would be to use the real prices in a simulated manor but at the moment I'm just looking.

The ib demo, is, at best, rubbish (imho). I would treat any data on it as being not only delayed, but highly inaccurate in terms of reported trades, volume and so on.

If you want to use IB data, open an account, get backfill from something like SC Magic and go from there, but you're on a hiding to nothing trying to use the demo.
what are you trying to achieve with the demo?

are you trying to sim trade or practice some ideas?
Thats pretty much what I thought, It didn't seem right. I'm tempted to open an account but I simply can't access anything from work firewalls and the like. Looking at your yacht in your profile maybe i should be looking at us index futures instead of FX futures/spot and do it US time 😉

A bit of both really. I would like to sim some trades to try out different strats for short term etc as well as test the water.
I have to say that i am of course attracted by the API.

thanks for taking the time to answer guys,
It's called try before you buy. The IB platform contains a lot of features, most of which I find useless for my own purposes. I looked at the spot forex and futures in the demo but the delayed prices and the complex platform make it hard to make a decision, I just wonder if they really work well with a real trading account.
Anonymous said:
It's called try before you buy. The IB platform contains a lot of features, most of which I find useless for my own purposes. I looked at the spot forex and futures in the demo but the delayed prices and the complex platform make it hard to make a decision, I just wonder if they really work well with a real trading account.
I was using an addon called bracket trader to enter and manage exit strategies and really liked that(apart from the default sounds on the free version... AWUUUUGAAA AWUUUGAA "limit order filled"). Of course thats not from IB unlike TWS.... seriously i'm sure its functional but whats that about.
if you want real live data you might want to try the simulators you can get from places likfe PFG best and Global futures - you can use their ladder front end with live data free for a month I believe.

or if you want to try a top end simulator I think you can pay Velocity $50 and use X_Trader in simulator mode with them.
Two things :

1. Sadly, it isn't my yacht - that was just a great holiday earlier this year 🙂

2. If you go down the IB route and want an order interface for TWS, check out www.zerolinetrader.com - wonderful little program, cheap as chips, 30-day trial etc.
I trade forex mostly these days. What I look for when trying the IB demo are things like whether I can find any divergences, like between spot and futures, (for arb, those kind things). I have access to real time fx futures quotes, no need to subscribe to any.

I don't use any complex strategies for options either.

When I want to trade cut-loss-ride-profits style I just use any forex company, no need for commission.

By trying out the IB demo in delayed mode it's hard to see if there will be any arb opportunities.
rossored said:
Two things :

1. Sadly, it isn't my yacht - that was just a great holiday earlier this year 🙂

2. If you go down the IB route and want an order interface for TWS, check out www.zerolinetrader.com - wonderful little program, cheap as chips, 30-day trial etc.
I'll take a look at it thanks.
Whilst i've got everyones attention, any suggestions on a resonably priced compatible charting package
wishlist includes but not limited to.... candles, BB ...thats about it really, none standard TF might be nice 3min etc..

relatively cheap until i make my first mill.